Web Operations
Web Operations at FDU (WebOps) team is responsible for the deployment, monitoring, and overall operation of the www.fdu.edu website.
- Requests for changes to existing web pages.
- Requests to create a new suite of pages.
- Requests to delete a page, series of pages, or a whole suite, and/or to redirect URLs to appropriate replacement pages.
- Website images, and policy for their use.
- Links to social media, videos, Youtube, and Vimeo.
- University policies that affect the website content. (email, copyright, trademark, outbound links, etc.)
- Non-web content. PDF, .doc, PPT, multimedia.
- Tracking and refining ADA compliance of www.fdu.edu .
- Assisting other FDU web properties with ADA compliance when relevant tracking is a byproduct of efforts at www.fdu.edu .
Please see University Web Pages Policy.
Contacts in Web Operations
- Freda Moore, Director of Web Operations
- Ardra Spector, Web Operations Specialist