Student Life Policies and Procedures

Students who accept enrollment at the University must abide by the rules and regulations promulgated from time to time by the University including, but not limited to, those rules and regulations in the Undergraduate Studies Bulletin and the Graduate Studies Bulletin. Students are expected to live up to the highest standards of academic integrity. Fairleigh Dickinson University will not tolerate academic dishonesty in any form. Students also should conduct themselves with decorum and responsibility and comply with the requirements of the applicable Code of Student Conduct and Community Standards as stated in the Student Handbook, available from the Dean of Students Office and on the FDU website ( The University reserves the right to dismiss or suspend students who fail to comply with the foregoing.
In addition to the Code of Student Conduct and Community Standards, prominent policies include:
- FDU Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedures
- Requirements for Demonstrations and Associated Activities
Additional policies and procedures are listed in the Policies and Procedures section of the Student Handbook.