Writing Minor

Writing is an important tool for professional employment and academic and personal inquiry. The minor in writing allows students to cultivate their knowledge of writing in professional contexts, write for a range of audiences and purposes, and study sentence-level style and grammatical constructions before selecting one of three focused tracks in professional writing, creative writing, or communications. The writing minor complements any major areas of study and offers students the tools they need to cultivate their own professional or creative writing style.
The writing minor consists of five 3-credit courses, for a total of 15 credits (9 credits of required WRIT classes + 6 credits of electives).
Required Courses (9 credits)
Students in the writing minor are required to take the following three (3) core writing courses. These core writing courses will help students hone important writing skills before moving on to specialized coursework in the minor.
- WRIT 1003 Composition II: Research and Argument (Pre-req. = WRIT 1002)
- WRIT 3001 Advanced Writing Workshop (Pre-req. = WRIT 1003) (focuses on style)
One of the following courses, all of which focus on grammar:
- LITS 2031 The English Language
- LITS 2030 English Grammar
- WRIT 3102 Advanced Grammar & Editing for Professional and Online Writing (pre-req = WRIT 1002)
Electives (6 credits)
To fulfill the 6-credit electives requirement, students may decide to focus on writing and/or select any other combination of courses from the writing minor concentration lists below.
The courses for the writing concentration will include, but not be limited to, those listed below (additional 2000- and 3000-level WRIT classes will be rotated on a regular basis).
Writing Concentration
Florham and Metropolitan Campuses
- WRIT 2101 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing (pre-req = WRIT 1002)
- WRIT 3102 Advanced Grammar & Editing for Professional and Online Writing (pre-req = WRIT 1002)
- WRIT 2103 Digital Writing and Multimedia (pre-req = WRIT 1003)
- WRIT 3022 Digital Rhetoric and Storytelling (pre-req = WRIT 1003)
Communication Concentration
Florham Campus Only
- COMM 2011 Introduction to Journalism
- COMM 3012 Newswriting
- COMM 3013 Feature Writing
- COMM 3016 New Editing
- COMM 3248 Writing for Broadcast and Podcast
- COMM 2244 Journalism Practicum
Creative Writing Concentration
Florham and Metropolitan Campuses
- CREW 1001 Introduction to Creative Writing
- CREW 2002 Creative Writing: Fiction
- CREW 2003 Creative Writing: Poetry
- CREW 2016 Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction
- CREW 2250 Screenwriting (Cross-listed with FILM 2250)
- CREW 3010 Special Topics: Invented Worlds — Speculative and Fantastic Fiction
- CREW 3080 Music & Poetry