Admissions Planning Message

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The 4 Plus 1 program is offered by the department of marketing, management, and entrepreneurship, Silberman College of Business, online. Students at the Florham Campus, Madison, New Jersey and the Metropolitan Campus, Teaneck, New Jersey can complete their program requirements on their home campus during their last two semesters of their undergraduate program. The college is accredited by AACSB. 

Admission Requirements 

In order to participate in the 4 Plus 1 program, all students must be current undergraduate students at Fairleigh Dickinson University or an undergraduate student at a partner institution with which Fairleigh Dickinson University has established an articulation agreement for a 4 Plus 1 program. 

In order to advance into the graduate portion of the program, applicants must meet the following requirements: 

  1. Students should have completed at least one three-credit college-level statistics course and one three-credit college-level mathematics course.
  2. Students must formally apply with the Graduate Advising Office and be accepted into the graduate portion of the program. For a link to the application, please email
  3. The GMAT/GRE is not required for Silberman College of Business students having a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.00 or higher upon completion of the first semester of their junior year. Applicants not satisfying this minimum CGPA requirement are required to submit a GMAT/GRE score taken within the last five years. 

Acceptance into the program takes place during the sixth semester of the undergraduate program (or three semesters prior to the student’s anticipated undergraduate graduation date). Accepted students will take graduate-level coursework during their last two semesters as undergraduate students. Accepted students must complete their undergraduate degrees before undertaking full-time graduate study during their Plus 1 year. 

Graduate Degree Plan 

Students complete at least six (6) credits of graduate coursework while still considered an undergraduate student. All remaining graduate coursework is completed during the student’s fifth year.

MS in Digital Marketing Program Information