Computer Science MS (Florham)

The graduate program in computer science prepares students for the direct pursuit of productive careers in industry and for continued graduate study. The program’s orientation is toward educating professionals to become leaders in various areas of computer science ranging from software engineering to computer design, and from systems analysis to the management of information systems. The program is offered by Gildart Haase School of Computer Sciences and Engineering at the Florham Campus in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Becton College.
Gildart Haase School of Computer Science and Engineering is the overall initiator of the MSCS programs at FDU and supports the programs on both campuses. Both programs require students to complete the same 15-credit elective coursework. GHSCSE offers a broader spectrum of Elective courses at the Metro campus, enabling students more options for specialization.
Admission requirements
- Graduation from an accredited college or university with a satisfactory academic record.
- Submission of an official score report for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test taken within the last five years. The GRE may be waived if the applicant enrolls initially as a non-matriculating student and completes 9 graduate credits in computer science with a minimum Grade Point Ratio (GPR) of 3.00 and no grade below C, or is a Fairleigh Dickinson University computer science graduate and has an undergraduate GPR of 3.00 or is a non-Fairleigh Dickinson University computer science graduate and has an undergraduate GPR of 3.50. This GRE waiver policy is only applicable to applicants who graduated from a regionally accredited college or university in the United States.
- The GRE requirement is waived for applicants who have completed a master’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university in the United States.
- Three letters of recommendation.
Applicants who have not completed all requirements for admission to the degree program may be permitted to enroll in classes for credit on a non-matriculated or non-degree basis.
Degree Plan
- CSCI5505 Introduction to Computer Programming
- CSCI5525 Introduction to Computer Science
- CSCI5555 Data Structures
- CSCI5565 Assembly Language
Required courses (15 credits)
- CSCI6603 Computer Architecture
- CSCI6620 Software Engineering
- CSCI6623 Database Systems
- CSCI6638 Operating Systems (Pre-Req- CSCI6603)
- CSCI7645 Systems Programming (Pre-Req-CSCI6638)
Electives (15 credits)
- CSCI elective courses range from CSCI 6617 through 8891.
- Up to six credits may be taken in non-CSCI prefixed courses in electrical engineering (6000 level or above). Please consult an academic advisor for additional details regarding electives or consult FDU Graduate Bulletin.
- Students have the option of registering for a 3-credit internship after completing 18 graduate credits. The internship will count as a one-course elective.