Postbac Certification: Early Childhood (P-3)

Teachers of young children must be proficient in research-based best practices that support quality teaching and learning. Fairleigh Dickinson University’s School of Education (SOE) offers a preparation program leading to New Jersey certification in Early Childhood (P-3) that requires 24 credits for certification and another twelve (12) credits to complete the M. A. T. degree for a total of 36 credits.
Candidates for New Jersey Certification and/or the Master of Arts in Teaching are responsible for obtaining academic advising, following the approved plan of courses, and maintaining good academic standing per the School of Education and Fairleigh Dickinson University policies.
Degree Plan
Required courses for Certification
- EDUC6818 Language Development and Literacy I
- EDUC6824 Teaching Laboratory and Field Experience I
- EDUC6828 Teaching Laboratory and Field Experience II
- EDUC6851 Child Development from Birth to Age Eight
- EDUC6852 Curriculum Development and Assessment for the Preschool to 3rd Grade Classroom
- EDUC6853 Family and Community in Education
- EDUC6583 Advanced Clinical Practice
- EDUC6575 Apprenticeship Teaching
- EDUC6825 Apprenticeship Teaching SeminarC
Additional courses to complete MAT degree
- EDUC6584 Computers as a Teacher’s Aid
- EDUC6820 Problem-based Strategies in Elementary Mathematics
- EDUC7812 Final Project: Applied Research
- EDUC6740 Introduction to Students with Disabilities and Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Career Outcomes
New Jersey now has Early Childhood Expansion Districts with a push to license Early Childhood Centers and to increase the number and quality of preschool programs within public school districts.
Our program supports the NJ DOE’s Focus for Early Childhood (P-3) by training our candidates to:
- Provide leadership, resources and professional learning opportunities that support high-quality early childhood and early elementary learning programs.
- Provide guidance and capacity-building for meaningful family engagement in the developmental and learning support for children from birth through third grade.
Contact Information
For more information about this program, contact QUEST/Post-Bac Director, Dr. Melissa Smith