This 18-credit, 6-course certificate is designed to provide students with skills and knowledge to address coaching at all levels of sports. Coaching methodology, nutrition, conditioning, human performance, and team administration are areas studied in the program. These credits can also be applied to the Master of Sport Management degree. Except as noted, classes are offered both in person and online.

Required Course:

MSA 6704 – Internship I or Independent Job-Related Project (This course meets the required course for each certificate in the program. It cannot be taken until students complete at least 9-credits, 3 courses in the program.)

Choose any five of the following courses:

  • MSA 6605  Legal and Professional Ethics in Sports (in person class only)
  • MSA 6608  Sports Risk Assessment
  • MSA 6611  Coaching Leadership
  • MSA 6612  Coaching Theory Methods and Issues (in person class only)
  • MSA 6613  Coaching Psychology
  • MSA 6614  Assessing Human Performance
  • MSA 6615  Effective Team Administration
  • MSA 6633  Weight Training & Conditioning


Students may also select up to two electives from the list of electives below:

  • MSA 6624  Organization and Administration of Sports (in person class only)
  • MSA 6625  Physiological Basis of Physical Fitness (in person class only)
  • MSA 6626 Nutrition for Sports and Fitness
  • MSA 6628  Valuing Diversity
  • MSA 6629  Motivation and Performance
  • MSA 6630  Global Sports (in person class only)
  • MSA 6634  Sports Security
  • MSA 6635  Events Planning and Administration
  • MSA 6636  Internship (in person class only)