Government and Law Minor

The Government and Law minor is for students not majoring in Government and Law.
Students minoring in Government and Law must take five courses in this area (GOVT), selecting from the choices noted below.
- GOVT 1000 American Government and Politics
- GOVT 2010 The Congress
- GOVT 3015 Political Parties/Interest Groups
- GOVT 2015 Campaigns and Elections
- GOVT 2020 The American Presidency
- GOVT 2030 Supreme Court
- GOVT 3040 Politics and the Media
- GOVT 2045 Public Opinion
- GOVT 2050 President & Congress
- GOVT 3060 Political Behavior
- GOVT 2070 Women and American Politics
- GOVT 2071 Gender and Public Policy
- GOVT 1100 Global Politics
- GOVT 1120 Comparative Government
- GOVT 2120 Globalization and its Impact on the State
- GOVT 2130 International Relations
- GOVT 3120 Dictators and Democrats
- GOVT 3121 Nationalism and Ethnic Violence
- GOVT 3122 Rebels and Revolutionaries
- GOVT 3150 Terrorism and Counterterrorism
- GOVT 1200 Introduction to Law
- GOVT 2230 Judicial Process
- GOVT 2281 Mock Trial I
- GOVT 2282 Mock Trial II
- GOVT 3200 American Constitutional Law
- GOVT 3210 Civil Liberties & Civil rights
- GOVT 3220 Criminal Law
- GOVT 3240 Law & Society
- GOVT 4200 The Constitution
- GOVT 4220 Advanced Criminal Law
- GOVT 3230 International Criminal Law
- GOVT 2300 Citizenship, Service, & Civic Engagement
- GOVT 2400 Political Ethics
- GOVT 2500 Social Analysis
- GOVT 2520 Qualitative Research Methods
- GOVT 2526 Polls and Surveys
- GOVT 4551 Game Theory
- GOVT 4552 Agents in the Matrix
- GOVT 4590 Faculty Research
- GOVT 4591 Faculty Research
- GOVT 4592 Faculty Research
- GOVT 3800 Current Events Seminar
- GOVT 1850 Playing Politics
- GOVT 2810 Gender, Film and History
- GOVT 3841 Torture, Interrogation, and the State
- GOVT 3851 Monsters and Bad States
- GOVT 4800 Independent Study/Pol Science
- GOVT 4801 Independent Study/Pol Science
- GOVT 4899 Senior Thesis
- GOVT 3900 Internship in Politics
- GOVT 3901 Internship in Politics
- GOVT 4900 Washington Center Internship