Dramatic Literature and Performance Minor

The 15-credit dramatic literature and performance minor provides grounding in theatrical history, dramatic literature, theory and performance practices. This minor is recommended for cultural enrichment, as preparation for advanced study, or in preparation for employment in the arts. This minor is also an excellent choice for those interested in dramaturgy.
This minor is offered jointly by the department of literature, languages, writing and humanities and the School of the Arts, Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences, at the Florham and Metro Campuses, Madison and Teaneck, New Jersey.
Required Courses
Shakespeare (3 credits)
Choose one of the below:
- LITS3213 Shakespeare I (3) OR
- LITS3214 Shakespeare II (3) OR
- ENGL3388 OR LITS3388 [3] FDU at the RSC: Shakespeare’s Blueprint, from Page to Stage* OR
- THEA3358 Acting Shakespeare with prerequisite (3) OR
- SPCH3368/THEA3368 FDU at the RSC: Shakespeare in Practice, Acting* (3) OR
- THEA3378 FDU at the RSC: Shakespeare in Practice, Design, & Management* (3)
Theater Literature (3 credits)
- THEAH1201 Development of the Theater I: Ancient to Elizabethan OR
- THEAH1202 Development of the Theater II: Restoration to Today OR
- THEAH1103 Introduction to Theater
Elective Courses (9 credits)
Literature Electives (3 credits)
Select one course from the following:
- LITS3101 Greek and Roman Drama
- LITS3103 Modern Drama: 1880–1930
- LITS3104 Contemporary American Drama
- LITS3105 Contemporary European Drama
- LITS3106 Contemporary World Drama
- LITS3213 Shakespeare I or LITS3214 Shakespeare II
- ENGL3388/LITS3388 [3] FDU at the RSC: Shakespeare’s Blueprint, from Page to Stage*
Other dramatic literature courses may be available for substitution by permission.
Dance and Theater Electives (6 credits)
Select 6 credits from the following:
- THEAH1202 Development of the Theater II: Restoration to Today
(In addition to the 3 credits selected from Development of Theater required above)
- THEA1110 Introduction to Acting (3) NOTE: this course is prereq for other courses below.
- THEA2005 Directing I with prerequisite (3)
- THEAH2255/CREWH2255 Playwriting and Dramatic Structure (3)
- THEA3358 Acting Shakespeare with prerequisite (3)
- THEA3336 Acting for TV and Film with prerequisite (3)
- THEA1111 Introduction to Acting II with prerequisite (3)
- THEA2310 Stage Management (3)
- DANH1322 Dance History and Appreciation (3)
- DAN2507 Choreography (3)
- DAN2020 Basic Tap (3)
- DAN2021 Ballet I (3)
- DAN2700 Hip Hop (3)
- DAN2601 Modern (3)
- DAN1130 Jazz (3)
- SPCH3368/THEA3368 FDU at the RSC: Shakespeare in Practice, Acting* (3)
- THEA3378 FDU at the RSC: Shakespeare in Practice, Design, & Management* (3)
- MUSIC3398 FDU at the RSC: Musical Theater Cabaret* (3)
- THEA3361 Stage Production and Crew 1 (1)
- THEA3362 Stage Production and Crew 2 (1)
- THEA3363 Stage Production and Crew 3 (1)
- THEA1005 Makeup for the Stage (1)
- DAN3316 Stage Combat (1)
*FDU at the RSC courses are provided through partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company and Stepping Stone Performing Arts and are located on FDU’s Wroxton campus in England. See fdu.edu/rsc for further details.
For Information
Matthieu Boyd, Chair, Department of Literature, Languages, Writing and Humanities, Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences
Associate Professor of Literature
Stacie Lents, Director of Theater Arts Program
Professor of Theater
School of the Arts, Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences
Associate Professor Theater