Accounting BS, Accounting MS: combined degree

Did you know….
- FDU accounting students have scored number 1, 3 and 5 on the Certified Public Accountant Exam in New Jersey.
- Our accounting program received a national award for innovation.
- Most accounting majors receive job offers one year before they graduate.
- The NJ Society of CPAs, Silberman College of Business, and others award scholarships to FDU students. Read about available scholarships for accounting undergraduate students.
- Three FDU faculty have received the NJCPA Outstanding Educator Award.
- Certified Public Accounting firms are restricting recruiting only to colleges like FDU that qualify students for the Certified Public Accountant exam.
- Students in 4 Plus 1 can graduate with a BS and MS degree in five years.
This cutting-edge program is open to any accounting major at the University. It features state-of-the-art studies in accounting, taxation, law, and information systems designed to prepare students for employment in either the public or private accounting sector.
For more information, please reach out to
Frequently Asked Questions
The GMAT (or GRE) is no longer required for admissions into our graduate programs as long as you meet other requirements for admissions. Please review our admissions requirements for graduate programs at the Silberman College of Business.
All documents, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, test scores and bank statements must be originals or notarized copies. In addition, notarized or attested English translations of foreign transcripts are required. Facsimiles (faxes), scanned documents or photocopies are not acceptable. Once submitted, all documents become the property of the University and cannot be returned.
A minimum of four years of undergraduate study, or the equivalent, is required for admission. Students with a three-year bachelor’s degree may apply for the Bridge program.
Candidates who graduated after July 1, 2000 may sit for the exam with a Bachelors degree earned at a regionally accredited University and 120 semester hours. However, these candidates are required to meet 150 semester hours to be licensed. See more information concerning the NJCPA exam.
In Sep 2015, New Jersey adopted new regulations. Effective July 1, 2017, candidates need to have completed 24 accounting credits and 24 business credits to sit for the CPA exam.
YES. The BS-MS program meets the current CPA exam education requirement for New Jersey for students that have an undergraduate degree in business. For students who do not have prior business courses, additional business courses are required. New Jersey requires candidates for the CPA exam to have 24 accounting credits and 24 business credits.
The combined-degree program is offered by the department of accounting, taxation, law, and information sciences, Silberman College of Business, at the Florham Campus, Madison, New Jersey, and at the Metropolitan Campus, Teaneck, New Jersey. The college is accredited by AACSB.
Admission Requirements
In order to participate in the combined undergraduate-graduate degree (4 Plus 1) program, all students must be current undergraduate Silberman College of Business students at Fairleigh Dickinson University or an undergraduate student at a partner institution with which Fairleigh Dickinson University has established an articulation agreement for a 4 Plus 1 program.
In order to advance into the graduate portion of the program, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Students must formally apply with the Graduate Advising Office and be accepted into the graduate portion of the program. For a link to the application, please email
- The GMAT/GRE is not required for students having a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.00 or higher upon completion of the first semester of their junior year. Applicants not satisfying this minimum CGPA requirement are required to submit a GMAT/GRE score taken within the last five years.
- MS in Accounting only: Students must be majoring in Accounting and have a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in accounting classes. Any accounting minors, or anyone not meeting the minimum CGPA should reach out to for further advisement to determine whether this program is suitable.
Acceptance into the program takes place during the sixth semester of the undergraduate program (or three semesters prior to the student’s anticipated undergraduate graduation date). Accepted students will take graduate-level coursework during their last two semesters as undergraduate students. Accepted students must complete their undergraduate degrees before undertaking full-time graduate study during their Plus 1 year.
BS-MS in Accounting Curriculum
In addition to completing the undergraduate business and university core classes, you will complete the curriculum requirements listed below. Beginning with the seventh semester, you will also complete at least two graduate courses; one course in each of the remaining undergraduate semesters (fall and spring). The remaining graduate courses will be completed during your fifth year. Internships and work programs during the graduate portion of the program also are available, including a co-op program (beginning in academic year 2025-2026). Students who apply and are accepted into the co-op program may be eligible to earn 12 credit hours through approved full-time work experience.
The structure of the BS-MS Accounting program allows you the ability to continue your study of accounting, earning a Master of Science in Accounting, while also preparing yourself for the CPA examination. Students looking to meet the CPA credit requirement will find that FDU’s 4 Plus 1 BS-MS Accounting degree allows you to do so while attaining a deeper understanding of accounting theory, concepts, and practices.
For the 4 Plus 1 accounting program, the GMAT (or GRE), if required, must be taken before the start of senior year.
Undergraduate Major Accounting Courses
NOTE: Must earn a grade of “C” or better in these courses for undergraduate graduation requirements. Students applying to the 4 Plus 1 program should anticipate earning a B average or better among undergraduate major accounting courses.
- ACCT3241 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
- ACCT3243 Cost Accounting Measurement & Control
- ACCT3242 Intermediate Financial Accounting II
- ACCT3390 Accounting Information Systems
- ACCT4261 Advanced Accounting
- ACCT4263 Auditing Concepts
- ACCT4267 Fundamentals of Federal Taxation
Graduate Courses
For students who are accepted in the 4 Plus 1 Accounting Program, the following core courses are required:
- ACCT6606 Federal Tax II
- ACCT6680 Advance Financial Reporting Topics
- ACCT6682 Advanced Auditing with Data Analytics
- ACCT 7720 Data Analytics, Accounting Skills
- ACCT 7740 Advanced Accounting Information Systems
- LAW6657 Applied Business Law
Graduate Accounting Electives (12 credits)
- ACCT6690 Seminar: Accounting & Audit Case Studies
- DSCI 6400 Data Analytics
- MIS 6400 Information Systems for Managers
and any one of the following classes:
- ACCT 7701 International Accounting
- ACCT 7702 Forensic Accounting and Litigation Support Services
- an approved graduate business course in taxation, or other discipline offered through the Silberman College of Business
Students who are accepted into the co-op program (beginning with the 2025-2026 academic year) can apply 12 credits as graduate accounting electives.
The CPA educational requirements that must be met by applicants in order to qualify to take the CPA exam vary by state. Additional requirements may apply for licensure, such as work experience, and these, again, may vary by state. In order to determine these requirements, please go to
Lastly, the following CPA review providers may also compile state-specific CPA requirements: