Medical Imaging Science BS

Medical imagers are integral members of the healthcare team with knowledge and skills to understand and use technologies to examine various parts of the body to guide critical decisions in patient diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment planning.
Graduates who earn the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Medical Imaging Science can choose between one of two sonography concentrations and earn a degree that is awarded jointly between FDU and Rutgers University. Graduates from this accredited program will be eligible for national certification and state licensure, where applicable. The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) is the organization responsible for administering the certification exam and maintaining the registry of certified sonographers. Certification in sonography is not a requirement for practice in all states, but many employers prefer or require certification as a way to ensure that their sonographers have met certain professional standards. Additionally, certification can provide sonographers with more job opportunities, higher salaries, and increased professional recognition.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Diagnostic medical sonographers provide patient services using diagnostic ultrasound under the supervision of a licensed physician, who is responsible for the interpretation of ultrasound images. Sonographers look for subtle differences between health and pathological areas and decide what images are significant in meeting the objectives of the study.
A minimum of 136 credits is required for graduation from this concentration. After completion of 3 years of study at FDU (minimum 90 credits), students apply for acceptance into the Rutgers School of Health Professions. If accepted, the degree program is completed in 15 months at Rutgers University (additional 46 credits). Students will earn a Joint (FDU and Rutgers) BS Degree in Medical Imaging Science with Certificate/Concentration in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. See Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program – Rutgers School of Health Professions for additional information.
Cardiovascular Sonography
Cardiovascular sonographers (or “echocardiographers”) provide patient services using diagnostic ultrasound under the supervision of a licensed physician, who is responsible for the interpretation of ultrasound images. Cardiovascular sonographers are specially trained to use imaging technology to support diagnosis and monitoring of heart problems in patients. Among other skills, they operate ultrasound equipment that provides moving 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional images of the heart and its chambers.
A minimum of 140 credits is required for graduation from this concentration. After completion of 3 years of study at FDU (minimum 90 credits), students apply for acceptance into the Rutgers School of Health Professions. If accepted, the program is completed in 15 months at Rutgers University (additional 50 credits). Students will earn a Joint (FDU and Rutgers) BS Degree in Medical Imaging Science with Certificate/Concentration in Cardiovascular Sonography. See Cardiac Sonography Program – Rutgers School of Health Professions for additional information.
Admission Requirements
Graduates from an accredited high school/secondary school with a record indicating the potential to succeed in college will be considered for admission into this program. This includes:
- Completion of the following high school coursework:
- 4 units (20 credits) in English
- 3 units (15 credits) in Mathematics
- 3 units (15 credits) in Science, including 1 unit (5 credits) Biology w/Lab
- 2 units (10 credits) in Social Studies/History
- High school GPA of 2.7 or higher.
Admission to Rutgers School of Health Professions
- Students will submit a separate application in the fall semester of their sophomore year (second semester of year 2 at FDU).
- Admission decisions to Rutgers are made in accordance with criteria, policies and procedures established by a joint committee and cannot be guaranteed by FDU.
- Students generally need to demonstrate at least a 2.85 GPA in major and prerequisite courses at FDU to be considered for admission to the Rutgers Medical Imaging Science program. Specific prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of B minus or higher.
Curriculum (Updated for Fall 2024)
A minimum of 136 credits (Diagnostic Medical Sonography concentration) or 140 credits (Cardiovascular Sonography concentration) is required to graduate from this degree program. After completion of 3 years of study at FDU (minimum 90 credits, of which 40 are GenEd and 50 are courses in the major), students apply for acceptance into the Rutgers School of Health Professions. If accepted, the program is completed in 15 months at Rutgers University (additional 46 credits for Diagnostic Medical Sonography concentration; additional 50 credits for Cardiovascular Sonography concentration).
**Accuplacer reading/writing scores and math assessment scores will determine which reading/writing and math courses first time, first year students will take. Those with reading/writing placement scores below the standards must complete courses in prerequisite skills (e.g., WRIT 1000, WRIT 1001, READ 1000). Those with math placement scores below the standards must complete courses in prerequisite skills (e.g., MATH 0298, MATH 1100). These courses are applied toward free electives or are non-credit-bearing. This requirement applies to all first time, first year students, even if they have been accepted into this program track.
General Education Requirements (40 credits)
- Written & Oral Communication (9 credits)
- Information and Technological Literacy (3 credits)
- MEDT2217 Info Systems and Applications in Health Care
- Ethical Reasoning (3 credits)
- MEDT1130 Bioethics
- Global and Cultural Understanding (3 credits)
- UNIV2001 Cross-cultural Perspectives
- Scientific and Quantitative Analysis (8 credits)
- Social and Behavioral Analysis (6 credits)
- Social Science: Select from GenEd options
- Behavioral Science: Select from GenEd options
- Inquiry in the Arts & Humanities (6 credits)
- Creative & Expressive Arts: Select from GenEd options
- Humanities: Select from GenEd options
- University Core (2 credits)
Major Requirements (50 credits)
- BIOL1221/BIOL1222 Biological Diversity and Lab; BIOL1223 Biological Diversity Recitation
- BIOL1233/BIOL1234 Molecules, Cells and Genes + Lab; BIOL1235 Molecules, Cells and Genes Recitation
- BIOL2204/BIOL2224 Anatomy and Physiology II + Lab
- BIOL2125/BIOL2126 Micro for Health Sciences + Lab
- CALCULUS: Select either MATH1201 Calculus I or MATH1203 Calculus I
- CHEM1201/CHEM1203 General Chemistry I + Lab; CHEM1211 General Chemistry Recitation
- CHEM1202 /CHEM1204 General Chemistry II + Lab; CHEM1212 General Chemistry II Recitation
- CHEM2261/CHEM2263 Organic Chemistry I + Lab
- CHEM2262/CHEM2264 Organic Chemistry II + Lab
- STATISTICS: Select either MATH1133 Applied Statistics OR PSYC2210 Psychological Statistics
- PHYS2203/PHYS2201 University Physics I + Lab
- PHYS2204/PHYS2102 University Physics II + Lab
- MEDT2006 Medical Terminology
Clinical Training (4th Year) at Rutgers (46-50 credits)
- During the clinical training, students may be asked to report to a laboratory site five days a week.
Academic Program Plan
1st Semester (16 credits)
- BIOL1221/BIOL1222 Biological Diversity + Lab
- BIOL1223 Biological Diversity Recitation
- CHEM1201/CHEM1203 General Chemistry I + Lab
- CHEM1205 General Chemistry I Recitation
- WRIT1002 Composition I: Rhetoric and Inquiry
- MATH1107 Pre-Calculus
- UNIV1001 Transitioning to University Life
2nd Semester (16 credits)
- BIOL1233/BIOL1234 Molecules, Cells and Genes + Lab
- BIOL1235 Molecules, Cells and Genes Recitation
- CHEM1202/CHEM1204 General Chemistry II + Lab
- CHEM1207 General Chemistry II Recitation
- WRIT1003 Composition II: Research and Argument
- MATH1201 Calculus I or MATH1203 Calculus I
- UNIV1002 Preparing for Professional Life
3rd Semester (14 credits)
- BIOL2203/BIOL2223 Anatomy and Physiology I + Lab
- CHEM2261/CHEM2263 Organic Chemistry I + Lab
- Social Science OR Behavioral Science: Select from GenEd options
- Oral Communication: Select from GenEd options
4th Semester (14 credits)
- BIOL2204/BIOL2224 Anatomy and Physiology II + Lab
- BIOL2125/BIOL2126 Micro for Health Sciences + Lab
- CHEM2262/CHEM2264 Organic Chemistry II + Lab
- UNIV2001 Cross-cultural Perspectives
5th Semester (13 credits)
- MEDT1130 Bioethics
- PHYS2203/PHYS2201 University Physics I + Lab
- Creative and Expressive Arts OR Humanities: Select from GenEd options
- Social Science OR Behavioral Science: Select from GenEd options
6th Semester (15-16 credits)
- PHYS2204/PHYS2102 University Physics II + Lab
- STATISTICS: Select either MATH1133 Applied Statistics OR PSYC2210 Psychological Statistics
- MEDT2006 Medical Terminology
- Creative and Expressive Arts OR Humanities: Select from GenEd options
- MEDT2217 Info Systems and Applications in Health Care
School of Nursing and allied health