The Lee Gildart and Oswald Haase School of Computer Sciences and Engineering (GHSCSE) offers a 4 Plus 1 program for a BS in Computer Science with a pathway to the MS in Cybersecurity Information Assurance. Three graduate courses: CSCI6623 Database Systems (3 credits), CSCI6638 Operating Systems (3 credits), and CSCI6731 Computer Networks (3 credits), when successfully completed under the 4 Plus 1 program, can be credited toward both the B.S. and the M.S. degrees. Students must take one of the three concentrations: big data analytics, cybersecurity and information assurance, and mobile and game app development in the B.S. in computer science program. This 4 Plus 1 degree program is offered by GHSCSE at the Metropolitan Campus, Teaneck, New Jersey.

Special Information

Professional Accreditation and Other Designation

The B.S. in computer science program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, This accreditation applies only to the B.S. in computer science program offered by the Lee Gildart and Oswald Haase School of Computer Sciences and Engineering at the Metropolitan Campus, Teaneck, NJ.

Students completing the B.S. in computer science program with a concentration in cybersecurity and information assurance are eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion of a National Security Agency (NSA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS)-designated CAE-CDE program of study from FDU’s Center for Cybersecurity and Information Assurance (CCIA).

Cooperative Education Option

Students in the B.S. in computer science program have the option to undertake a cooperative education experience and earn a total of 6 academic credits toward their technical electives.

Admission Requirements

  • Students must register for this program upon completing at least 45 credits and must have achieved a cumulative grade point ratio (CGPR) of at least 2.75.
  • A minimum of 120 credits is required for the B.S. in computer science degree
  •  In addition, for degree completion, the B.S. in computer science degree requires a minimum CGPA of 2.0; the M.S. in cybersecurity and information assurance, 2.75

Degree Plan

First Semester (14 credits)

  • CSCI1201 Computer Programming I (3 credits)
  • ENGR2286 Digital System Design (3 credits)
  • MATH1201 Calculus I (4 credits)
  • UNIV1001 Transitioning to University Life (1 credit)
  • WRIT1002 Composition I: Rhetoric and Inquiry (3 credits)

Second Semester (14 credits)

  • CSCI1202 Computer Programming II (3 credits)
  • CSCI2215 Introduction to Computer Science (3 credits)
  • MATH2202 Calculus II (4 credits)
  • UNIV1002 Preparing for Professional Life (1 credit)
  • WRIT1003 Composition II: Research and Argument (3 credits)

Third Semester (16 credits)

  • CSCI2234 Data Structures and Algorithms (3 credits)
  • CSCI2247 Assembly Language Programming (3 credits)
  • ENGR2210 Technical Communications (3 credits)
  • PHYS2201 Physics I Laboratory (1 credit)
  • PHYS2203 University Physics I Lecture (3 credits)
  • UNIV2001 Cross Cultural Perspectives (3 credits)

Fourth Semester (16 credits)

  • CSCI2235 Survey of Computing Security (3 credits)
  • CSCI6623 Database Systems (3 credits)
  • MATH3237 Probability and Statistics I (3 credits)
  • PHYS2202 Physics II Laboratory (1 credit)
  • PHYS2204 University Physics II Lecture (3 credits)
  • UNIV2002 Global Issues (3 credits)

Fifth Semester (15 credits)

  • CSCI6731 Computer Networks (3 credits)
  • CSCI6638 Operating Systems (3 credits)
  • ENGR3000 Modern Technologies: Principles, Applications and Impacts (3 credits)
  • MATH2255 Discrete Structures (3 credits)
  • Humanities Elective (3 credits)
    • Take three credits of coursework in ARTH, CINE, CGDH, DANH, HIST, HUMN, LANG (not foreign language), LITS, MUSIH, PHIL, RELI, or THEAH.

Sixth Semester (15 credits)

  • CSCI3251 Design of Software Systems (3 credits)
  • MATH3220 Linear Algebra (3 credits)
  • Concentration Courses (6 credits) 
  • Free Elective (3 credits)

Seventh Semester (16 credits)

  • CSCI3249 Computer Organization(3 credits)
  • CSCI4384 Preparation for Computer Science Senior Project (1 credit)
  • ENGR4210 Managerial and Engineering Economic Analysis (3 credits)
  • Concentration Course (3 credits)
  • Technical Electives (6 credits)

Eighth Semester (14 credits)

  • CSCI3260 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (3 credits)
  • CSCI4386 Computer Science Senior Project (2 credits)
  • Concentration Courses (6 credits)
  • Technical Elective (3 credits)

Concentration Requirements (15 credits)

Students must complete any one of three concentration areas: big data analytics, cybersecurity and information assurance or mobile and game application development. Each concentration requires the successful completion of five courses (15 credits). Students pursuing a concentration in game and mobile application development are recommended to take two computer animation courses from the School of the Arts as a free elective and a technical elective in the B.S. in computer science curriculum.

Big Data Analytics Concentration

Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Concentration

  • CSCI3274 Linux System Administration (3 credits)
  • CSCI3345 Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems (3 credits)
  • CSCI3410 Foundations of Cybersecurity (3 credits)
  • CSCI3420 Cryptography (3 credits)
  • CSCI3783 Information Security (3 credits

Game and Mobile Application Development Concentration

Contact Information
Yongming Tang, Associate Director
Kalyan Mondal, Deputy Director, Director of Center for Cybersecurity and Information Assurance
Alfredo Tan, PhD Director, GHSCSE