Admissions Planning Message

This program is not open for new enrollment. For more information see this announcement. Students may wish to consider Biochemistry. You may also wish to browse through the program finder.

The BS in Chemistry is the primary degree for entry into the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and also for graduate programs in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, biomedical engineering, and many other areas. This degree is especially suitable for potential applicants to professional schools in medicine, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine. Premed students usually take the MCAT exam in their junior years after completing organic chemistry. The curriculum is certified by the American Chemical Society (Florham).

Program Outcomes for BS Chemistry

Students majoring in Biology develop the following skills and abilities:

  • Demonstrate a solid foundation in chemistry including the vocabulary, concepts, methods, and procedures that will allow them to be competitive when entering industry, graduate, and professional schools.
  • Write and speak clearly on chemical topics and demonstrate a mastery of these topics through their written and oral communications.
  • Excel at utilizing information resources including primary and secondary literature in the field using modern tools to locate and retrieve scientific information.
  • Demonstrate qualitative and quantitative critical reasoning skills allowing them to interpret experimental data and evaluate its significance.
  • Use standard laboratory equipment, modern instrumentation, and classical techniques to carry out experiments while following proper procedures and regulations for safe handling and use of chemicals and equipment.

Degree Plan

All students are required to complete the General Education Requirements of their campus in fulfillment of their Bachelor’s degree requirements.

Semesters 1 and 2

Semesters 3 and 4

Semesters 5

Semester 6

  • CHEM3242 Physical Chemistry II Lecture
  • CHEM3244 Physical Chemistry II Laboratory

Semester 7

Semester 8

Cognate Requirements

Semesters 1 and 2

Semesters 3 and 4

Major Requirements

Science Electives:  Any upper-level (3000 or 4000) undergraduate or graduate science course or Independent Study

Free Electives: May be chosen from any courses offered at the University after consultation with an advisor (student may not take BIOL1101/BIOL1102). (Foreign language is recommended for students intending to go to graduate school.)

Advanced Mathematics Course: select one course, three credits, from the following:

Major electives: Take 1-8 credits of CHEM or BIOL. Please see an advisor for a list of courses.

A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation.

QUEST Options available

  • BS in Chemistry-MAT, Secondary Ed and Special Ed Concentration
  • BS in Chemistry-MAT, Elementary Ed Concentration
  • BS in Chemistry-MAT, Secondary Ed Concentration
  • BS in Chemistry-MAT, Elementary Ed and Special Ed Concentration
  • BS in Chemistry-MAT, P-3 Certification
  • BS in Chemistry-MAT, Secondary Ed and ESL