Health Information professionals are members of the health care team who are responsible for management of health information that is consistent with medical, administrative, ethical and legal requirements.  Health information professionals collect, analyze and utilize data to provide information critical to the health care industry.  One type of Health Information professional – the Registered Record Administrator (RHIA) – collects data from a variety of sources, monitors the integrity of the data, and manages the analysis and use of this data.

The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Health Information Management (HIM) program is awarded jointly between FDU and Rutgers University School of Health Professions.  The program is designed as a “2+2” program with the first two years spent at FDU and the last two years spent at Rutgers University School of Health Professions. Students must complete 67 pre-professional credits during their first two years at FDU before applying for acceptance to the professional component at Rutgers University School of Health Professions for their last two years. The Rutgers HIM Program is independent of FDU (i.e., requires separate application). Tuition is paid directly to Rutgers during this phase of study. Students will consult with their FDU advisor during their first year of study to review the Rutgers HIM program requirements and plan for application in fall of their second year of study.

Admission Requirements

Graduates from an accredited high school/secondary school with a record indicating the potential to succeed in college will be considered for admission into this program. This includes:

  • Completion of the following high school coursework:
    • 4 units (20 credits) in English
    • 3 units (15 credits) in Mathematics
    • 3 units (15 credits) in Science, including 1 unit (5 credits) Biology w/Lab
    • 2 units (10 credits) in Social Studies/History
  • High school GPA of 2.7 or higher.

Admission to Rutgers School of Health Professions

  • Students will submit a separate application in the fall semester of their sophomore year (second semester of year 2 at FDU).
  • Admission decisions to Rutgers are made in accordance with criteria, policies and procedures established by a joint committee and cannot be guaranteed by FDU.
  • Students generally need to demonstrate at least a 2.75 GPA in major and prerequisite courses at FDU to be considered for admission to the Rutgers HIM program.


**Accuplacer reading/writing scores and math assessment scores will determine which reading/writing and math courses first time, first year students will take.  Those with reading/writing placement scores below the standards must complete courses in prerequisite skills (e.g., WRIT 1000, WRIT 1001, READ 1000). Those with math placement scores below the standards must complete courses in prerequisite skills (e.g., MATH 0298, MATH 1100).  These courses are applied toward free electives or are non-credit-bearing.  This requirement applies to all first time, first year students, even if they have been accepted into the BS in HIM Program Track. 

BS in HIM General Education Requirements (40 credits)

  • Written & Oral Communication (9 credits) 
    • WRIT1002 Composition I: Rhetoric and Inquiry
    • WRIT1003 Composition II: Research and Argument
    • Oral Communication: Select from GenEd options
  • Information and Technological Literacy (3 credits) 
    • MEDT2217 Info Systems and Applications in Health Care
  • Ethical Reasoning (3 credits) 
  • Global and Cultural Understanding (3 credits) 
  • Scientific and Quantitative Analysis (8 credits)
  • Social and Behavioral Analysis (6 credits)
    • Social Science: Select from GenEd options 
    • Behavioral Science: Select from GenEd options 
  • Inquiry in the Arts & Humanities (6 credits)
    • Creative & Expressive Arts: Select from GenEd options
    • Humanities: Select from GenEd options
  • University Core (2 credits)
    • UNIV1001 Transitioning to University Life
    • UNIV1002 Preparing for Professional Life

BS in HIM Major Requirements (22 credits)


After completion of 62 credits at FDU, the program is completed at Rutgers University School of Health Professions (61 credits). With successful completion of the program at Rutgers University, the student will earn the BS in Health Information Management.

A minimum of 123 credits is required for graduation.


Contact Information
Drew Minardi or Jacqueline Bonaparte
(201) 692-2388