Sport Management BA

The Bachelor of Arts in Sport Management (BASM) program provides undergraduate-level studies for traditional and non-traditional students seeking a career in Sport Management, including in the areas of recreational, youth, collegiate, and professional leagues.
The program provides students with a unique academic experience: a strong background in the fundamental aspects of Sport Management (law, finance, marketing, and fundraising), as well as specialization in a particular area of sport (coaching, fitness, and facilities, among others). It supports the success of students in the educational process and prepares them to be world citizens through global education while encouraging the development of applied research for practitioners in the field of sports and recreation management.
The BASM Program is administered from the Metropolitan and Florham Campuses and conducted in the traditional on-campus format. It is also available off-campus (weeknights and Saturdays) and online.
Program highlights
- Create a career in the growing field of Sport Management professionals
- Begin taking sports-related classes right away
- Gain hands-on learning experience through internships and networking opportunities with accomplished sports professionals, teams, and organizations
- Enhance your experience with field trips to local sports-industry destinations
- Improve critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills
- Take classes on campus or online
Admissions requirements
Please submit an application to FDU Admissions for the BASM program via the Common Application or the FDU application.
Standardized test scores are optional for students with a 3.3 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) or higher, or 88 numerical average or higher except for applicants to nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, and education (QUEST program). If your GPA is below 3.3, standardized test scores are required. FDU accepts both the SAT and ACT.
High school transcripts, or equivalent, are required for admission and will be used to evaluate admission.
Program learning outcomes
BASM courses provide theoretical concepts directly related to practical applications. These courses have learning exercises as well as research requirements that generally are applied projects. As an applied program, students are required to demonstrate comprehension of the more abstract components of the course into a research project that can, in principle and reality, be utilized in the workplace
Communication – A BASM graduate will demonstrate the ability to prepare and deliver effective oral presentations and or write documents that present and evaluate information and opinion in a logical and analytical manner, incorporating research and documentation, and using style, grammar, mechanics, and format appropriate to an educated audience.
Information Literacy – A BASM graduate will demonstrate the ability to carry out thorough and effective information search strategies using traditional print, digital, and internet sources, evaluate information accessed, and use this information along with existing knowledge to create something new.
Critical Thinking – A BASM graduate will demonstrate competency in critical thinking that encompasses dimensions of informal logic and ethical analysis.
Quantitative Literacy – A BASM graduate will demonstrate the ability to analyze and interpret quantitative information.
Degree requirements
The BASM program of study for students varies depending on their campus location, transfer credits, and other factors. Prior to registering for classes, students must consult with their assigned academic advisor to establish their unique program of study.
Courses have been developed based on need and demand of the students. All courses are 3-credit courses.
Degree Requirements for Florham Campus
General Education (42 credits)
A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation. Up to 6 credits from the major and 6 credits from the minor may be applied toward the General Education requirements.
Written & Oral Communication
Oral/Professional Communication
Take one three-credit course that is substantially concerned with public speaking and oral presentations, typically a course in COMM or Speech.
Information & Technological Literacy
Ethical Reasoning
Take one three-credit course that is substantially concerned with ethical theories and questions. Choose a course from PHIL, RELI, a course that has “ethics” in its title. SPAD2014 also satisfies this requirement.
Global & Cultural Understanding
Requirements met by UNIV2001 – Cross-Cultural Perspectives and UNIV2002 – Global Issues or an approved substitution.
Substitutions for UNIV2001 – Cross Cultural Perspectives include COMM2105, CREW2022, CREW3080, GOVT2851, HIST3326, INTER3430, LITS2331, SOCI2500, SOCI3344, or SOCI3365. Substitutions for UNIV2002 – Global Issues include COMM2102, CREW2018, GOVT2130, HIST2244, HIST2400, HIST2401, HIST2402, HIST2403, HIST2504, HIST2235, INTER3432, LITS2023, CINE2023, ORGS2400, SOCI2248 or SOCI2901.
Scientific Analysis
Requirement consists of four credits of laboratory science from BIOL, CHEM, ENVR, MBIO, or PHYS.
Quantitative Analysis
Requirement consists of a three-credit college-level mathematics course from MATH or DSCI.
Social and Behavioral Analysis
The Social Science requirement will be satisfied by a three-credit course in one of the following disciplines: ANTH, COMM, ECON, ENVS, GEOG, GOVT, SOCI, SUST.
The Behavioral Analysis requirement will be satisfied by a three-credit course in one of the following disciplines: CMLGY, CRIM, PSYC.
Inquiry in the Arts & Humanities
The Creative & Expressive Arts requirement will be satisfied by a three-credit course in one of the following disciplines: ANIM, ANIMH, ART, ARTH, CGD, CGDH, CINE, CREW, DAN, DANH, FILM, MUSIC, MUSIH, THEA, THEAH.
The Humanities requirement will be satisfied by a three-credit course in one of the following disciplines: AFAM, ENGL, HIST, HUMN, LITS, PHIL, RELI.
University Core for First-Year Students
Major Requirements (57 credits)
Required Major Courses (15 credits)
- SPAD2004 Introduction to Sports Administration (3)
- SPAD2018 Internship (3)
- SPAD2019 Sports Marketing, Public Relations (3)
- ECON2001 Microeconomics (3)
- ECON2101 Macroeconomics (3)
Sport Management Electives
Section B (21 credits)
- SPAD2010 Legal Aspects of Sport Administration
- SPAD2014 Ethical Issues in Sports
- SPAD2015 Team Development
- SPAD2020 Fund Raising in Sports
- SPAD2022 Facility Management
- SPAD2025 Global Perspectives in Sports
- SPAD3000 Fiscal Concepts in Sports
- SPAD3003 Sports and Society
- SPAD3010 Job Search Strategies (1 credit)
- SPAD3016 Sport Event Management
- SPAD3024 Special Topics in the Sports Industries
- SPAD3030 Human Resource Administration in Sports
- SPAD4001 Sports Internship II
Courses Approved by Academic Advisor
Section C (21 credits)
- SPAD2007 Introduction to Esports
- SPAD2012 Nutrition and Wellness
- SPAD2013 Exercise Physiology
- SPAD2016 Stress Management
- SPAD2017 Safety, First Aid, and Prevention of Injuries
- SPAD2021 Strength and Conditioning
- SPAD2088 Esport Live Events and Operations
- SPAD3001 Theory, Philosophy, and Principles of Coaching
- SPAD3002 Human Kinesiology
- SPAD3004 Youth Program Administration
- SPAD3005 Management in Athletic Training, Athletics, and Health
- SPAD3015 Introduction to Sports Analytics
- ACCT2021 Accounting I
- ACCT2022 Accounting II
- COMM2000 or above
- LAW2276 Business and the Law
- SPCH1155 Fundamentals of Speech
- Any PHED Course
Courses Approved by Academic Advisor
Free Electives (21 credits)
Take 21 credits of courses approved by Academic Advisor.
Degree Requirements for Metro Campus
General Education (42 credits)
University Core (8 credits)
- UNIV1001 Transitioning to University Life (1)
- UNIV1002 PREPARING for Professional Life (1)
- UNIV2001 Cross-cultural Perspectives (3)
- UNIV2002 Global Issues (3)
UNIV1001 and UNIV1002 can be waived for transfer students.
Acceptable substitutions for UNIV2002 include:
- COMM2102 – International Communication
- CREW2018 – Narrative Storytelling
- GOVT2130 – International Relations
- HIST2244 – Islamic Empires
- HIST2400 – Indian Ocean
- HIST2401 – Pacific Worlds
- HIST2402 – Atlantic Worlds
- HIST2403 – Mediterranean
- HIST2504 – Gender and Race in Latin America
- HIST3252 – Dictatorship in Latin America
- HRTM2235 – Sustainability & Ecotourism
- INTER3432 – Global Issues and Britain (Wroxton)
- LITS2023 and CINE2023 (cross-listed course) – Food and Culture on Film
- ORGS2400 – Global Issues and Creating a Sustainable Future
- SOCI2248 – Globalization, Culture, & Identity
- SOCI2901 – A World on the Move: Contemporary Migrations
- UNIV2002 – Global Issues
Acceptable substitutions for UNIV2001 include:
- COMM2105 – Communicating Status
- CREW2022 – Storytelling and Social Justice
- CREW3080 – Music & Poetry
- GOVT2851 – Politics of Horror
- HIST3326 – Islam and Christianity in Africa
- INTER3430 – Anatomy of Britain (Wroxton)
- LITS2331 – Myth & Sacred Texts
- SOCI2500 – Food and Society
- SOCI3344 – School and Society
- SOCI3365 – Sociology of Religion
- UNIV2001 – Cross-Cultural Perspectives
College & Research Writing (6 credits)
Oral / Professional Communications (3 credits)
Any SPCH or COMM course
Information & Technological Literacy (3 credits)
Ethical Reasoning (3 credits)
SPAD2014 or from any discipline that is substantially concerned with ethical theories and questions such as a course in philosophy, religion, or a course with “ethics” in its title.
Scientific & Quantitative Analysis (7 Credits)
Social & Behavioral Science (6 Credits)
Social Science (Pick one – ANTH, ECON, GEOG, GOVT, COMM, SOCI)
Behavioral Science (Pick one – CMLGY, CRIM, PSYC)
Inquiry in the Arts & Humanities (6 Credits)
Humanities (Pick one – AFAM, ENGL, HIST, HUMN, LITS, PHIL)
Creative and Expressive Arts (Pick one – ANIM, ANIMH, ART, ARTH, CGD, CGDH, CINE, CREW, DANCE, MUSIC, MUSICH, FILM, THEA, THEAH)
Required Sports Management Courses (15 Credits)
- SPAD2004 Introduction to Sports Administration (3)
- SPAD2018 Internship (3)
- SPAD2019 Sport Marketing and Public Relations (3)
- ECON2001 Microeconomics (3)
- ECON2102 Macroeconomics (3)
Sports Management Electives from Section B (21 credits)
- SPAD2010 Legal Aspects of Sports Administration
- SPAD2014 Ethical Issues in Sports
- SPAD2015 Team Development
- SPAD2020 Fund Raising in Sports
- SPAD2022 Facility Management
- SPAD2025 Global Perspective in Sport
- SPAD3000 Fiscal Concepts in Sports
- SPAD3003 Sports and Society
- SPAD3010 Job Search Strategies (1)
- SPAD3016 Sport Event Management
- SPAD3030 Human Resource Administration in Sports
- SPAD3024 Special Topics
- SPAD4000 International Sport Administration
- SPAD4001 Sports Internship II
Sports Management Electives from Section C (21 Credits)
- SPAD2007 Intro to ESport
- SPAD2012 Nutrition and Wellness
- SPAD2013 Exercise Physiology
- SPAD2016 Stress Management
- SPAD2017 Safety, First Aid, and Prevention of Injuries
- SPAD2021 Strength and Conditioning
- SPAD2088 ESport Live Events/Operations
- SPAD3001 Theory, Philosophy, and Principles of Coaching
- SPAD3002 Human Kinesiology
- SPAD3004 Youth Program Administration
- SPAD3005 Management in Athletic Training, Athletics, and Health
- SPAD3015 Intro to Sport Analytics
- SPAD Special Topics Course
- ACCT2021 Accounting I
- ACCT2022 Accounting II
- COMM course 2000 or above
- LAW2276 Business and the Law
- SPCH1155 Fundamentals of Speech
Courses Approved by Academic Advisor – allowed up to 18 credits
Free Electives (21 Credits)
Take 21 credits of courses approved by Academic Advisor.
Study Abroad at Wroxton
We have a study abroad class built into our curriculum. Any of our students (MSM, BA/MSM, or BA) can take the course.
8 Perfect Days in England. Learn about sports based cultures and history! Explore sports business opportunities! Some of the sites we visit include, but not limited to:
- Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum 7 Tour
- Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Stadium
- Villa Park – home of the Aston Villa Football Club
- The World Rugby Museum
- Silverstone Motor Racing Circuit
- River and Rowing Museum
Career options
The BASM degree combines allows students to combine their love for sports with their interest in business management. With a degree in Sport Management from FDU, professional opportunities may include leadership and management roles with intramural and community athletic programs, university or college sports programs, and amateur and professional athletic leagues. Being exposed to case studies, discussions and research from BASM classes, students are well-equipped to undertake planning, coordinating, marketing, and budgeting tasks in fields related to sports and recreation.
Careers Choices: Director of Promotions, Sport Agency Representative, General Manager, Sport Analyst, Sport Business Entrepreneur, Athletic Director, Marketing Manager, Fitness club manager, Sports equipment salesperson, Facilities coordinator, Team owner, Sports agency representative, Recreation center manager, Golf course manager, Park superintendent, Tournament director, Compliance officer, General manager, Associate director of marketing, Assistant director of facilities, Director of youth sports, Media relations director, Advertising sales representative, Guest service manager, Ticket manager, Special event promotions manager, Tournament planner, Sports information director, Customer relations director, Sports Networker
Potential Employment Setting: Professional and Minor Leagues, College Athletic Departments, Amateur, Intramural, Club Sport, and Recreation Programs, Private Section Marketing Firms
Internship Sites: Our students have interned at many prestigious sports organizations, including, but not limited to: Madison Square Garden, New York Mets, New York Yankees, Brooklyn Nets, New York Jets, New York Giants, New Jersey Devils, New York Red Bulls, Philadelphia union, and more.
Internship and Job Opportunities:
All BA Sport Management students should follow the steps listed below in order to see the latest job opportunities and internships available in the Sport Management field.
- Log on to WebCampus
- Click on Organizations, left side of page FDU Community tab on the top
- Click ‘FDU Sport Management’