2D Animation Minor

2D animation is the art of creating movement using individual graphics that are sequenced together over time. 2D animators tell stories and communicate ideas by making characters, objects, and backgrounds move in two-dimensional space in a way that engages the audience. This style of animation is commonly seen in TV shows, video games, films, commercials, apps, and websites. Our 2D Animation minor focuses on the digital aspects of 2D animation, including frame-by-frame motion, tweening, and motion graphics.
Required Courses (9 credits)
CGD 1313 Creative Imagery with Photoshop
ANIM 1500 Storyboarding
ANIM 1501 Fundamentals of Animation Principles
Elective Courses (6 credits)
Select two of the following courses:
ANIM 1400 Character Design
ANIM 1750 Motion Graphics with After Effects
ANIM 1800 Vector Animation with Animate CC
ANIM 2100 Tradigital Animation
ANIM 2243 Advanced After Effects
ANIM 3225 Vector Animation II