Francesca Degiuli
Associate Professor of Sociology, Director of Gender Studies Minor
Department of Social Sciences and History
- Introduction to Sociology
- Sociology of Gender
- Gender in the Contemporary World
- Men and Masculinities
- Sociology of Health and Illness
- A World on the Move: Contemporary Migrations Contemporary Sociological Problems
- Gender and Sexualities
- Care and Carework
- Aging and Social Policies
- Immigration and Political Economy
- Qualitative methodologies
- BA, History Università degli Studi di Torino
- MA, Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
- PhD, Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
Academic Profile
Dr. Degiuli’s research interests lie at the intersection of aging, gender, immigration, and political economy. Specifically, she is interested in investigating the complex interactions between political economy and culture in shaping the practices of everyday life. She is currently researching the role played by doctors in shaping patients’ and families’ choices for long-term care. This project expands on her previous one, Caring for a Living: Immigrant Women, Aging Citizens, and Italian Families, published by Oxford University Press in 2016.
Author of Caring for a Living: Migrant Women, Aging Citizens, and Italian Families
Francesca Degiuli (2016) “Caring for A Living: Immigrant Women, Italian Families, and Aging Citizens.” London and New York: Oxford University Press.
Francesca Degiuli and Jordan Nowotny (2020) “The Administration of Consent. An exploration of the meaning of consent among educators, staff, and administrators of a small private university”. Sexuality & Culture, 24
Francesca Degiuli (2011) “Laboring Lives: The Making of Home Eldercare Assistants.” In Modern Italy, vol.16, n.3, pp.345-361
Francesca Degiuli (2011) “Undocumented College Students in the U.S.: A Category in Need of Further Analysis.” In Migration Letters, vol.8, no. 1, pp. 7-16
Francesca Degiuli (2010) “The Burden of Long-Term Care: How Italian Family Caregivers become Employers.” In Aging and Society, Vol. 30, No 5, pp.755-777
Wang, H; Appelbaum, R.; Degiuli, F.; Lichtenstein, N. (2009) “China’s New Labour Contract Law: Is China Moving Towards Increased Power for Workers?” In Third World Quarterly, vol.30, n.3. pp. 485-501(17).
Francesca Degiuli and Christopher Kollmeyer (2007) “Bringing Gramsci Back in: Labor Control in Italy’s New Temporary Help Industry” In Work, Employment, and Society. Vol. 21, No. 3, 497-515.
Francesca Degiuli (2007) “A Job with No Boundaries: Home Eldercare Work in Italy” in European Journal of Women’s Studies. Vol. 14, No. 3, 193-207.
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