Students celebrated at William Paterson University 2024 Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Joseph Agugliaro, Julia Aid, Ava DeFino and Justin Bogart holding certificates

Joseph Agugliaro, Julia Aid, Ava DeFino and Justin Bogart

Sixteen students from FDU’s Department of Biological Sciences and Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics recently attended the William Paterson University 2024 Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium.

The symposium is a yearly opportunity for undergraduate students from participating institutions in the tristate area to showcase their accomplishments in the fields of biological and chemical sciences. Thirty-two academic institutions participated in this year’s event.

FDU students Julia Aid, a senior biology major at the Florham Campus, and Ava DeFino, a sophomore chemistry major at the Florham Campus, received first place prizes within their respective “Physiology, Behavior, and Toxicology” and “Material Chemistry” categories.

Aid’s research focused on the effect of increased winter temperature on metabolism and oxidative damage in overwintering Luna Moths (Actias luna), under adviser Joseph Agugliaro, associate professor of biology. DeFino’s research focused on the immobilization of bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine frameworks onto solid supports, under adviser Justin Bogart, assistant professor of inorganic chemistry.

a group of students posing for the camera. they stand in front of a presentation board.

Sixteen students attended the symposium.

“Being able to draft, plan, synthesize, execute and analyze an experiment from start to finish has been a highlight of my experience at FDU,” said Aid. “At the symposium, it was amazing to feel deserving of a space in the hall with my own hard-earned knowledge and poster.”

“Presenting at this symposium was a great experience. Not only was it an opportunity to showcase my research, but it was also an opportunity to learn about other students’ work in various research areas,” said DeFino.

“Congratulations to the students and especially to Julia and Ava. Presenting their hard work is no easy task and to be awarded first place is a testament to their academic prowess and the strength of FDU’s programs,” said Bogart.

Learn more about the symposium here.

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