Meet the new faculty in the International School of Hospitality, Sports, and Tourism Management
Let’s welcome the newest senior lecturer to the International School of Hospitality, Sports, and Tourism Management!
FDU: How does your experience with the N.J. department of travel and tourism inform what you teach in the classroom?
Anthony Minick: I believe that students are eager to engage with professors who are former or current leaders in the profession they are pursuing. My goal is to highlight the tools and skill set needed for an impactful career in the tourism industry.
FDU: What do you see as the most pressing issue facing our world today?
AM: I think there are many pressing issues facing our world today; one that immediately comes to mind as it relates to education is the banning of books in some states in our country. I am perplexed as to why we would not want our future generations to know their history, both the good and the bad. Your question also causes me to reflect on a video I watched a few days ago of Martin Luther King, Jr’ last sermon “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution” at the National Cathedral, Washington DC in 1968. During that sermon, King addressed what he considered the major social justice issues of that time. When I think about where we are as a country 55 years later, we have made progress, but some of what King highlighted in his sermon still rings true today. In 2023, there is still a need to eradicate poverty, end human rights abuses, pursue economic justice for all, and ensure equal access to the vote. I spent most of my life in service to others as a deacon in my church, mentoring youth, hosting a basketball ministry for both adults and youth, and serving in my community as a local housing official. I try my best to be a participant in making our world a better place.
FDU: What brought you to FDU?
AM: I was first introduced to FDU in 1981 as a recruit of the legendary coach Roger Kindel to play for the Devils basketball team. As a proud alumnus, FDU has always been a special place for me. I met my wife Cherise (Williams) Minick, also an alumna, on the first day of school and we have now been married for 35 years. I had such a great experience at FDU, my professors were transformative, and I formed lasting relationships with many of my classmates and teammates. About 13 years ago, at a tourism conference in Atlantic City, the director of FDU’S tourism and hospitality program approached me to ask if I would give a guest lecture for his class. After my presentation to the students, the director asked if I was interested in serving as an adjunct professor for the program, I said yes. As I approached the end of my career in state government, I always thought if there was an opportunity to serve in a greater capacity at FDU, I would. I am thankful to program director John Niser and the team for providing me with the opportunity to serve in full-time capacity.