FDU students discover biodiversity in Ecuador

Students climb the Páramo.
Our tropical ecology students participated in a two-week study abroad program in Ecuador this winter, organized by the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. The expedition included visits to the high-elevation Páramo, the Cloud Forest and tropical rainforest of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve, which is enriched in biodiversity. The students experienced close encounters with a wide variety of wildlife, ranging from the world’s smallest monkeys, pygmy marmosets, to Amazon river dolphins and the extravagant cock-of-the-rock. The program was ran by associate professor Harald Parzer and assistant professor Elise Morton, along with the director of the Tiputini Biodiversity Station, Gonzalo Rivas-Torres.
This amazing journey facilitated a deeper understanding of tropical ecology and appreciation of these remarkable and important environments.

Students study wildlife at the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve.