FDU Celebrates Cultural Connections with Art Exhibit ‘Home’

a collage of artwork. the artwork varies from landscapes to portraits.

Exhibit runs through April 30, 2025

Fall 2024  — Fairleigh Dickinson University is proud to present an inspiring art and text exhibit titled “Home.” The exhibit will explore the multifaceted concept of home through a creative blend of visual art and literary expressions. 

The exhibit is the result of a collaborative effort among the Hispanic Center, the Center for First-Generation Scholars, and the Programs in English for Academic and Professional Success. The featured students will present a unique collection of artworks and read excerpts of their written pieces, all centered around their personal interpretations of what home means to them.

The participating student artists include: Sophia Almonte, Terrence Brown, Jayda Castro, Scott Cedillo, Madison Dollard, Litzy Duran, Johnathan Gomez, Emily Hernandez, Denzel Jeter, Samantha Lago, Danna Prado, Liz Rodriguez, Homero Rojas, Jara Stapleton, Ayane Ushimaru, Erick Vialet, Brianna Wang and Madelyn Webb.

“We’re thrilled to provide a platform for these talented students to express their stories and experiences through their art and words,” said Irene Oujo, executive director of the Hispanic Center. “The concept of home holds different meanings for everyone, and this exhibit provides a space for those voices to be heard.”

The exhibit is cosponsored by Hispanic Center, Center for First-Generation Scholars and Programs in English for Academic and Professional Success. 

The exhibit will be open to the public during regular hours, Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Hispanic Center, Fourth Floor, Robison Hall. For information email oujo@fdu.edu.


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