Professor Discusses Religious Freedom at DNC Panel

Four panelists, two men and two women, pose for a photo.

From left, Congressman Jared Huffman, journalist Katherine Stewart, Professor Khyati Joshi and Congressman Jamie Raskin.

August 23, 2024 — Khyati Joshi, professor of multicultural education, appeared on a panel hosted by the DNC Interfaith Council at the Democratic National Convention this week in Chicago, Ill.

Two women sit on a panel.

The panel, Building an Interfaith Coalition to Combat White Christian Nationalism, also featured Congressmen Jared Huffman and Jamie Raskin. Journalist Katherine Stewart moderated the event. 1,500 people registered to attend.

“When it comes to religious freedom, I do think about it as an optical illusion … there are many folks who face discrimination every day just to pray safely, just to live their faith. So, yes, on paper we have freedom of religion, but that doesn’t translate into reality,” Joshi said at the event.

“How does religion exist in our lives? That’s full of contradictions, that’s full of complexity, and if we remember that, we can honor one another.”

Watch the event below or read a detailed recap of the panel in People’s World.

DNC logo for Interfaith Council video.