MAS Graduation Requirements
- At least 21 credits must be completed at FDU.
- Students must achieve a grade point average of 2.75 for the current trimester and keep a cumulative grade point average of 2.75. Students who receive two or more C grades will be warned, and if evidence of definite improvement in their academic performance does not ensue, they will be put on academic probation or be asked to withdraw from graduate study.
- All direct entry students must take the Graduate Research Seminar, EPS 6299.
- All students must take the Capstone Course, MADS 6612 – Seminar on Strategic Management.
- Students are required to take 10 courses to complete the MAS which are chosen from a range of courses. Students may pursue a single area of study or design a program that will support their specific career-related goals.
- The curriculum areas and credit distribution requirements are designed to provide students with flexibility in planning a program of study within a competency-focused framework for professional development. Students must successfully complete 30 credits of graduate course work in the following categories.
- Administrative Competencies (6 courses / 18 credits)
- Analytics and Decision-Making Competencies (3 courses / 9 credits)
- Capstone Seminar (last course/3 credits) MADS6612 – Seminar in Strategic Management
- Completion of English for Professional Success (EPS) requirements
Up to 9 (nine) credits of graduate course work (no more than six credits in specialization area) may be transferred from another college or university if completed within the 5-year period. Courses submitted for transfer credit will be reviewed and evaluated by the Director of the MAS Program. In assessing requests for transfer credits, the faculty may require students to complete additional coursework to update their knowledge and skills to meet master’s degree requirements.
Career Paths
The program is well suited for students interested in careers in government agencies, ‘not-for-profit‘ organizations, or private industrial organizations. Work opportunities in organizations like Hospitals, Computer & Software, Government & Administration, Tourism & Hospitality, Retail, Manufacturing, Export, and Self Employment.
Foundation Course (0 Credits)
- EPS 6299 – Graduate Research Seminar (1.5 non-academic credits)
Core Administrative Competency Courses (3 courses/9 credits)
- MADS 6600 – Theory and Practice of Administration
- MADS 6602 – Personnel Administration
- MADS 6604 – Ethics and Public Values
Core Analytic & Decision-Making Competency Courses (2 courses/6 credits)
Capstone Course (3 credits) (taken after completion of 24 credits)
- MADS 6612 – Seminar Strategic Management
Specialization Courses
*Once students have completed (or enrolled) in all 5 Core courses, students are required to choose 4 courses (12 credits) in their specialized area. 3 of these courses (9 credits) must be of the (A) Administrative type and 1 course (3 credits) must be of the (D) Analytic Decision-making type. If a course is identified as (A/D) it qualifies as either the Administrative or the Analytic Decision-making type.
Computer Security and Forensic Administration (12 credits)
This 12-credit, 4-course certificate program is designed exclusively for the law enforcement community and corporate security executives. Practical application is emphasized throughout the entire course of study.
Choose four courses from the following:
- MADS 6637 (D) – Computer Systems Seizure and Examination
- MADS 6638 (A) – Computer Security Administration
- MADS 6639 (D) – The Forensic Expert
- MADS 6651 (D) – Operations Administration
- MADS 6654 (D) – Forensics Administration
- MADS 6697 (A) – Current Issues in Cyber Forensics
- MADS 6700 (A) – Global Technology Project Management
- MADS 6701 (A) – Intro. To Computer Network Security
- MADS 6735 (A) – Introduction to Countermeasures for Malware
- MADS 6830 (A/D) – Cloud Security
- MADS 6831 (A) – Ethical and Legal Issues in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics
- MADS 6832 (A) – Data Governance
Global Health and Human Services Administration (12 credits)
This 12-credit, 4-course certificate covers the essentials for a balanced administrator and leader in Healthcare, Human Services, and related fields.
Choose four courses from the following:
- MADS 6628 (D) – Building Strategic Partnerships
- MADS 6642 (A) – Global Health & Human Services Systems
- MADS 6643 (D) – Community Needs Assessment & Qualitative Analysis for Health & Human Services
- MADS 6644 (A) – Law, Ethics& Policy for Health & Human Services
- MADS 6645 (A) – Marketing Social Change
- MADS 6646 (D) – Finance and Accounting for Health/Human Services
- MADS 6647 (A) – Organizational Planning & Risk Communications
- MADS 6718 (A) – Special Topics: Lifestyle Modification for Community Leaders
- MADS 6753 (A) – Special Topics: Elder Care Law
- MADS 6804 (A/D) – Homeless Policy 1
- MADS 6833 (A/D) – Understanding Homelessness
Global Leadership and Administration (12 credits)
This 12-credit, 4-course graduate certificate is specially designed for leaders and administrators of worldwide organizations.
Choose four of the following courses:
- MADS 6618 (A) – Leadership Plus
- MADS 6628 (D) – Building Strategic Partnerships
- MADS 6653 (A/D) – Global Citizenship Seminar
- MADS 6658 (A/D) – Leadership: Global Advanced Scholarship & Practice
- MADS 6706 (A) – Collaborative Leadership
- MADS 6709 (A/D) – Special Topics: Creativity, Change & 21st Century Leaders
- MADS 6747 (A) – Relational Leadership
Global Technology Administration (12 credits)
The 12-credit, 4-course Global Technology Administration Certificate provides a comprehensive examination of the project management process, integrating technical tools with leadership and team communication skills. This program is designed for managers and information technology professionals to improve innovation, strategy, operations, and effectiveness in today’s agile global business architectures. Students learn technical aspects of project management planning and execution methods as we as people skills that are critical to successful projects.
Choose four courses from the following:
- MADS 6605 (D) – Principles of Information Systems
- MADS 6608 (A) – Organizational Communication & Conflict Resolution
- MADS 6618 (A) – Leadership Plus
- MADS 6632 (D) – Technology Applications (Non-Prof Mgmt)
- MADS 6651 (D) – Operations Administration
- MADS 6677 (D) – Planning for Changes in Information Technology
- MADS 6700 (A) – Global Technology Project Management
Human Resources Administration (12 credits)
The area of human resources has become more complex with new laws, court decisions, and changes in business practices. The 12-credit, 4-course certificate is designed for those who are working in the area of human resources or desire to move into that field.
Choose four courses from the following:
- MADS 6603 (A) – Law and Administrative Practice
- MADS 6607 (A) – Collect Bargaining/Contract Admin
- MADS 6608 (A) – Organizational Communication & Conflict Resolution
- MADS 6609 (D) – Productivity and Human Performance
- MADS 6620 (D) – Human Resources Systems
- MADS 6661 (D) – Managing Organizational Change
- MADS 6662 (A) – Customer Service
- MADS 6695 (A) – Advanced Employment Law