Early College Pathways

Creating Accelerated Degree Pathways for Early College Students

When considering which Early College classes you wish to make available to your students, consider clustering courses around an Accelerated Degree Pathway!

Creating such a pathway will help your students to:

  • Focus on their future career pathway, reducing time to enter the workforce.
  • Fast-track earning their college degree, reducing time and potentially adding cost savings.
  • Build their interest in obtaining an advanced degree for more career opportunities and greater earning potential in less time than typically required.

Early College Accelerated Degree Pathways

Pathway to Arts Degrees

Pathway to Business Degrees

Pathway to Education Degrees

Pathway to Environmental Science Degrees

Pathway to Health Science Degrees

Pathway to Hospitality Degrees

Pathway to Humanities Degrees

Pathway to Social Science Degrees

Pathway to STEM Degrees