Fine Art

FDU Fine Art

Fine Arts Major at Florham Campus

The Studio Art Major offers a program of study for students interested in careers in the fine arts and related fields, such as art education, art therapy, and museum studies.

Dedicated and exhibiting artists and professors teach a wide range of beginning through advanced level studio art classes. Our innovative approach to the studio arts matches courses across disciplines: from the unique Art of the Graphic Novel and Ceramic Character Sculpture to the traditional Life Drawing and Life Sculpture.

The program offers many opportunities for learning beyond the classroom including:

  • Annual student fine art exhibitions
  • Class trips to NYC museums, galleries, and artist studios each semester
  • Creative internships and career workshops
  • Internationally recognized visiting artists (recently Nari Ward, Rina Peleg, Howard Cruse)
  • Faculty guided experiential learning /exhibition opportunities
  • Student/faculty research projects with academic credit
  • Regular contact with art alum keeps former students connected to our current students and activities, receptions, and trips
  • Support for alum exhibitions at FDU and external venues

Exploring NYC: Trips to NYC Museums, Galleries, and Artist Studios

Each semester includes a trip to see the latest art exhibitions in NYC, area museums and galleries. Art professors provide guided opportunities to view art, from ancient to contemporary, in Chelsea galleries, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), The Metropolitan Museum of Art and other museums. Recent excursions have included MoMA’s PS1, The Guggenheim Museum, The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Museum of Art and Design (MAD) as well as visits to site-specific art installations and artist studios. Interdisciplinary learning opportunities have included visits to NYC Central Park Zoo.

The Fine Art Studios on Florham Campus are located on the picturesque Frederick Law Olmstead (designer of NYC’s Central Park) grounds providing backdrop and subject for art students and classes.

We provide a strong foundation program where each student is individually encouraged to develop their own artistic voice in an interdisciplinary approach. Knowledge of traditional skills is emphasized along with contemporary art and ideas. Offerings include a wide range of classes at multiple levels in Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Sculpture, Photography, Two- and Three-Dimensional Design, Color Theory, Printmaking, Computer Graphics, and Art History. Students from across the FDU community may explore their own creativity in-studio classes while fulfilling university requirements for graduation.

Classes average 15 to 20 students per class, with some of the advanced classes having smaller enrollments, allowing for the optimum learning experience. Independent Studies, Internships, and Research Assistantships are available for additional advanced-level studies.

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