20 Years Later
When I received the Fall 2024 issue of FDU Magazine, it made me realize that I started college 20 years ago! In 2004, I came to the United States to study communications at FDU. If that ambitious 18-year-old could see me now, she’d be so confused to find out we own a bakery and we’re vegan (I was an avid meat eater then!), that we don’t live in New York and that I actually despise low-rise jeans. But after the shock wore off, I think she’d be pretty damn proud and think future her turned out to be incredible: owning her own business, living two hours away from Disney World and living life on her own terms. A lot has changed in 20 years. I’m so grateful today that I took the road less traveled and had a supportive family who allowed me to come to the U.S. to follow my dreams.
Natalia Lima, BA’08 (Metro)
Success Story
Dear FDU Magazine Team,
I was very excited to read the Fall 2024 edition and discover the Success Beyond Their Majors story because I am truly the epitome of that! I am a 1987 and 1989 graduate of the Fairleigh S. Dickinson Jr. College of Dental Medicine with degrees in dental hygiene.
The education, didactic training and incredible skills that I developed at FDU enabled me to establish a unique, but very firm foundation in science, interpersonal communications and patient-centered care in my work in health care leadership.
Doreen McSharry
AS’87, BS’89 (Metro)