Parting Shot — Wroxton Teatime
Everyone’s Cup of Tea

Mikayla Petrilla, BA’15 (Flor), left, and Bea Goodwin, BA’13 (Flor), right. (Photo courtesy of Petrilla and Goodwin)
When alumnae Mikayla Petrilla, BA’15 (Flor), and Bea Goodwin, BA’13 (Flor), went back to Wroxton College for another visit, they couldn’t resist popping in on teatime!
Teatime at the Buttery is a beloved tradition for students, staff, faculty and visitors alike. Offered twice daily, in the morning and in the afternoon, the ritual gives students a break from classes and studying. They can sip a cup of tea, snack on a biscuit or slice of cake, chat with friends and take time to relax.
“I just love the ritual of teatime. Everyone needs breaks in their day, and I love how the British have recognized that and formalized it as a part of their culture. It’s a tradition I’ve tried to honor as often as possible in the 20+ years since I was at Wroxton. In the afternoon, I go for a nice spicy chai with milk and sugar and a toaster pastry, since we don’t have good biscuits over here,” adds Karen Randazzo, BA’01 (Metro).