Administrative Ace

Portrait of a woman standing and crossing her arms.

(Photo: Bill Cardoni)

“Just before graduation I realized that I didn’t want to teach,” says Gabriela “Gabby” Sesin, BA’21 (Metro). “I’ve always been the kind of person who’s had everything planned out, and this was the first time I didn’t.”

She embraced the unknown, and the strong liberal arts foundation of her humanities degree and education minor, deciding to seek an administrative position. “I’m a people person and someone who needs to feel organized — and I knew that I wanted to work for a company that supports and helps people. I wanted to hold on to that aspect of my education training.”

At ADAPT Community Network, a nonprofit providing programs and services for people with disabilities, she started in an entry-level role before moving into a more advanced human resources job two years ago.

“As a human resources communications manager, I am in constant communication with internal and external parties. I focus on employee-centered initiatives including wellness, recognition, referrals, tuition reimbursement, performance evaluations and more,” says Sesin. She also plans and supports events, programs and projects.

Sesin has to think outside of the box, she says, relying on the critical thinking skills she learned at FDU.

“Being involved with student life and other campus organizations grew my emotional intelligence, making me more self-aware, which made me into a better communicator,” says Sesin.

Another aspect of her job is to support the chief people officer in initiatives relating to diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and belonging.

“I find myself applying so many things that I learned in my humanities and education classes to my current job. I just keep adding to my toolkit of success, and reminding myself to be calm, patient and confident in my abilities,” Sesin says. “Facing challenges in the workplace is a good thing. They shape you into a better person and a better professional.”