Parting Shot

An illustration of various FDU pennants throughout the years.

(Illustration: Mikey Burton)

Long May They Wave

From the days of Fairleigh Dickinson College and up into its modern era, pennants have reflected school spirit and showcased FDU’s identity in burgundy and blue.

Popping up at sporting events and as dorm décor, pennants have long been a popular way to express pride.

A vintage pennant from the Fairleigh Dickinson College days bore the castlelight emblem, an early icon of the institution.

Some pennants have incorporated the University motto, fortiter et suaviter, which founder Peter Sammartino translated as “bravely and pleasurably.”

Many iterations of pennants have featured a castle, a swan and a rose, often inside of a shield, representing the Rutherford, Metropolitan and Florham campuses. The late Loyd Haberly, distinguished professor of English, designed the original University shield.

Today, all four campuses are represented on the pennants, in the castle’s towers. Buy one at the campus bookstores today!