Justin Solleder

Portrait of a man with a beard wearing glasses and a polo shirt.“The classes not only taught me the clinical side — the way to process the data — but also a lot about how to empathize with patients. I had a psychotherapy course that talked about different methods and styles of working with patients. I can apply that, and it works really well.”

Justin Solleder, who has a BA and an MA in general/theoretical psychology, hit the ground running when he graduated, becoming a research specialist at the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, the state’s only National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center.

“The person I work for refers to me as his ‘Guy Friday.’ I do a mix of everything,” says Solleder. “The main thing is meeting with participants and recruitment for clinical studies. I work to figure out if the study I am recruiting for is a good fit for them.”

He was thoroughly prepared for the job.

“It was like, ‘OK, Dr. [Stephen] Armeli taught me this.’ Not only could I say I took a class on this, but I had tangible proof through the honors program and my master’s work.”

FDU’s Career Development Center helped Solleder secure an internship at Bergen New Bridge Medical Center, where he worked part-time for a year and a half in the chemical detox department, which he says was a great experience.

“I work in psychological research and population science, trying to track what people need. What do survivors need? They have a lot of questions and needs, and addressing them is fascinating,” says Solleder. “There was a moment when I was like ‘My word! I’m actually doing cancer research. This is big league!’ It’s a great position, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”