Evelyn Jones

A woman with short hair, glasses and yellow jewelry smiles for a photo.“The MSW program prepares students to contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities. My degree will enable me to provide counseling and support to individuals and families dealing with issues such as mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence and grief.”

As a residential coordinator for an Essex County psychiatric hospital, Evelyn Jones works full-time, conducting admissions and coordinating housing for patients who are ready and stable enough to be discharged into group homes, independent living or family homes.

“That includes trying to get benefits such as Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income,” she says. “Many have lost their IDs and birth certificates, so I find the resources to get them back.”

FDU’s online MSW program provides the flexibility that allows Jones to balance all of her work and study, including an internship with Newark Board of Education as a middle school counselor for students with academic or behavioral challenges.

A U.S. immigrant from Liberia whose family fled civil war, Jones feels called to give back to disadvantaged communities there.

She’s able to apply what she’s learned in the MSW program to the overseas medical missions to western Africa that she arranges as founder and chief operation officer of Marcy Health Services, and in coordination with Operations International.

She plans travel — setting up flights and obtaining visas — and makes advanced trips to be sure all is in place when doctors arrive, from hospital equipment to local pharmacies.

“My knowledge from FDU will help me to better facilitate these trips and qualify me for promotion to clinical social worker,” she says. Jones is also considering opening her own clinical social work practice in the future.