A Letter from the President

(Photo: John Emerson)
At the end of the incredibly challenging fall semester, I wrote a note to our students, faculty and staff thanking them for their tremendous efforts to stay true to our mission and our goals, while doing everything possible to keep everyone safe. Our students especially have been so patient and cooperative in the midst of such difficulties, and they have done a remarkable job staying focused on their educational programs.
Working together we have kept moving forward, and we have continued to navigate these unprecedented challenges. The year 2021 and the spring semester present more trials and more uncertainties. While we have planned for more in-person courses and activities than in the fall, we must continue to closely follow health and safety protocols and work together to reduce the risks for our community members. Resident students are again living on campus, and we are hopeful that, as the semester proceeds, the conditions in our region and our nation improve, and we can conduct more in-person activities throughout the campuses. We also are hopeful that we are nearing the end of this strange saga in our history, even as we know normal may never be exactly normal again, or at least anytime soon.
And so we keep moving forward, informed by the lessons we have learned and strengthened by our solidarity to unite and work together toward brighter days ahead. They are coming!
I hope you enjoy this latest edition of FDU Magazine. It is completely digital once again in order to reduce printing and mailing costs and to continue to allocate resources as strategically as possible for the benefit of students. We are confident we will resume a print version of the magazine shortly. In the meantime, I encourage you to read and share these wonderful stories, profiles and features. Stay safe and stay well.
Yours in FDU,
Christopher A. Capuano, President
Fairleigh Dickinson University