Government Resources For Employment

Discover essential resources to support your career journey in British Columbia! WorkBC is your primary access point for finding jobs, exploring career options, and enhancing your skills. The Job Bank provides nationwide job listings and career planning tools. Familiarize yourself with the National Occupational Classification (NOC) and the new TEER framework to understand job categories based on training and experience. You can find your specific TEER category and NOC code through the provided links. Additionally, the BC Employment website outlines your employee rights, while OCCinfo offers detailed occupational profiles to aid in your career decisions. Together, these resources equip you to navigate the job market with confidence.


WorkBC is the provincial government’s access point to the world of work in British Columbia. It was created with one key goal – to help all British Columbians to successfully navigate B.C.’s labour market.
WorkBC helps people find jobs, explore career options and improve their skills.

Job Bank

Job Bank is Canada’s national employment service, accessible via website and mobile app, that assists in finding job opportunities and planning careers by offering job listings, career planning tools, and valuable labour market information.


The National Occupational Classification (NOC) is Canada’s system for categorizing occupations. The NOC 2021 introduces a new framework called TEER (Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibilities), which replaces the old “Skill Level” system.

Key Points:

  1. NOC: Classifies all occupations in Canada, uses a 5-digit code to organize jobs into categories and subcategories
  2. TEER: Part of NOC 2021, categorizes occupations into six levels based on training, education, experience, and responsibilities; TEER categories range from TEER 0 (management occupations) to TEER 5 (occupations requiring short-term work demonstration)

BC Employment Standards

The website details British Columbia’s employment standards, including employee rights and minimum wage, serving as a resource for fair treatment and dispute resolution in the workplace.   


A helpful occupational profile site developed by the Alberta provincial government.