Career Services Support and Resources

The Career Services Department is here to assist you with a wide range of career development resources and support. Whether you’re unsure about your career path or ready to dive into the job market, we provide the guidance and resources you need to find the right fit. Our mission is to equip you with exceptional career management advice that prepares you for success not just in Canada, but around the globe.


  • Job Search (Strategies, Resume, Cover Letter)
  • Professional Branding (LinkedIn, Interviews, Self-Marketing, Professional Communication)
  • Networking (on and offline, career fairs, employer events, volunteering, coffee chats)
  • Career Exploration (career & action planning)

Career Resources: Online Platforms

The following platforms are available to you with your FDU Net ID. Register via your FDU email.


Handshake is your go-to platform to connect with your Career Services team, explore on-campus opportunities and register for events.

How You Can Use It:

  • Book Appointments: Schedule one-on-one meetings with the Career Services Team to get personalized career advice and support
  • Find On-Campus Jobs: Easily search for job openings available at FDU, making it convenient to gain work experience while studying
  • Register for Events: Sign up for workshops, webinars, career fairs and more to enhance your skills and network with potential employers
  • Explore Job Opportunities: Browse through a range of internships and job listings
  • Access Additional Resources: Utilize various tools and materials available on Handshake to aid in your job search and career planning

Read through the Handshake User Guide to learn how to use these functions.

Big Interview

An online platform designed to help you prepare for job interviews through practice and feedback.


  • Access a vast library of interview questions across various industries
  • Practice your responses in a realistic setting and receive instant feedback
  • Improve your communication skills, body language, and overall interview technique
  • Build confidence to excel in real-world interview situations

Kaltura Mediaspace

A video platform offering access to career-related content and resources.


  • Access on-demand video tutorials, webinars, and presentations on career topics
  • Enhance your career knowledge and skills at your own pace.

Career Shift

A job search tool that aggregates listings from various sources.


  • Conduct comprehensive job searches across company websites, job boards, and social media
  • Manage your applications and track your job search progress in one place
  • Discover hidden job opportunities that may not be listed elsewhere
  • Organize your career planning efforts more effectively

Career Resources: Samples and Guides

As an FDU student you have access to a vast array of toolkits and guides. This section offers essential tools for your career development, including job title overviews by program, self-assessment resources, resume and cover letter samples, interview strategies, job search sites, and goal-setting guidance. If you find these resources helpful, visit the Career Services resource boards or reach out to the Career Services team to explore comprehensive toolkits tailored to your needs.

Skills Inventory and Self-Assessment

Resume Sample

Cover Letter Sample

Interview Strategies

Job Search Sites

Goal Setting

Informational Interviews

Contact Information

Please book an appointment with Career Services team through Handshake using your FDU email address to log in.

For general inquiries, you can email Career Services Office at