Global Scholars and Global Leaders Grant

1. Global Scholars Grant

The Global Scholars Scholarship is an additional award offered to qualifying students who have been admitted to the Global Scholars Program. When applying to an undergraduate program, students should also complete the Global Scholars Questionnaire which is part of the application, where they can outline their interest and involvement in promoting issues of global importance and world citizenship.   


  • Complete the online undergraduate application form and attach the required documents to your application and the Global Scholars Questionnaire.  
  • Admission to the Global Scholars Program.  
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 or higher. 
  • First-time, full-time freshmen and transfer students with 16 or fewer credits are eligible.   

Grant Amount: 

Students who are recipients of the Global Scholars Grant receive an additional USD $2,000.00, which is awarded in increments of USD $250 over the first 8 consecutive terms of study in addition to any other eligible scholarships.  

Students who are accepted into the Global Scholars Program will receive an additional USD $2,000.00, which is awarded in increments of USD $250 over the first 8 consecutive terms of study in addition to any other eligible scholarships. Please visit the Global Scholars and Global Leaders Grant page for more details.

2. Global Leaders Grant

The Global Leaders Grant is an additional award offered to undergraduate FDU students who have demonstrated leadership, active community engagement and have contributed to enhancing the experience of other students at FDU. 


  • Complete the Global Leaders Grant application form. 
  • Invitation from the Program Coordinator of the Global Scholars Program 
  • Resume 
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.5 or higher.    

Grant Amount:  

USD$250 per term for the first 4 consecutive terms of study, in addition to any other eligible scholarships

Students who are accepted into the Global Scholars Program will receive an additional USD $2,000.00, which is awarded in increments of USD $250 over the first 8 consecutive terms of study in addition to any other eligible scholarships. Please visit the Global Scholars and Global Leaders Grant page for more details.

Global Leaders Grant cannot be combined with Global Scholars Grant. 

International Students Tuition estimate for 1 year with Global Scholars or Global Leaders Grant (USD$)  

  Global Scholars Grant with no other scholarship  Global Scholars Grant with Gregory H. Olsen Scholarship  Global Scholars Grant with Colonel Fairleigh S. Dickinson Scholarship 
  CGPA 2.5 – 3.4  CGPA 3.5 – 4.0 CGPA 3.5 – 4.0 and SAT 1280 or higher, OR ACT 27 or higher 
Regular Tuition Per Credit  $721  $721  $721 
Scholarship Per Credit  $0  $216.30  $468.65 
Tuition per credit after Scholarship $721  $504.70  $252.35 
Annual Tuition after Scholarship (30 credits)  $21,630  $15,141  $7,570.50 
Global Scholars or Global Leaders Grant (2 terms)  $500  $500  $500 
Total Annual tuition after the Global Scholars or Global Leaders Grant  USD $21,130  USD $14,641  USD $7,070.50 

Domestic Students Tuition estimate for 1 year with Global Scholars or Global Leaders Grant (CAD$) 

  Domestic Students Global Scholars Grant  
Regular Tuition Per Credit  $ 230 
Annual Tuition before Grant (30 credits)  $6,900.00 
Global Scholars or Global Leaders Grant (2 terms)  $675 
Total Annual tuition after the Global Scholars or Global Leaders Grant  $6,225.00 

General Grant Renewal Requirements and Guidelines 

  • Global Scholars Grant, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher; 
  • Global Leaders Grant, maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher after one year of study. 
  • Enroll in and complete a full-time undergraduate course load.  
  • Global Scholars Grant recipients must complete the three Global Scholars courses (GOVT 1111, GOVT 2112, GOVT 3113). Global Scholars courses are offered each Fall. 
  • Grants for FDU Vancouver may not be used at other FDU campuses.