FDU Vancouver PAS Constitution

Constitution of the Vancouver Profesional Administrative Senate


The Vancouver Professional Administrative Senate or VPAS represents all full-time and regular part-time non-faculty employees on the location of Fairleigh Dickinson University in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, except those individuals who are members of the Senior Leadership. VPAS provides critical support services across campuses for students, faculty, and staff.

VPAS members have full voting privileges as specified in the constitution. When deemed appropriate, invitations may also be extended to contracted employees to share feedback and participate in VPAS events on a non-voting basis.

Article I: NAME

  1. The body hereinafter described shall be known as the VANCOUVER PROFESSIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE SENATE of Fairleigh Dickinson University Vancouver.
  2. This organization will be referred to as the VPAS.

Article II: PURPOSE 

  1. The VPAS shall exist to represent the professional and administrative personnel of Fairleigh Dickinson University Vancouver.
  2. The Senate shall have the functions of: 
    1. Providing a forum for the development of professional and administrative programs and services. 
    2. Providing a means for the articulation of specific professional interests and needs within the University campuses. 
    3. Providing a means for internal and external community interaction and relationship building. 
    4. Providing communication and shared practices with the university’s international campuses in United States and England.


  1. Membership in the VPAS shall be open to full-time and regular part-time, non-faculty and non-union/contract employees who work for nine, ten, eleven, or twelve months during the year on the Vancouver campuses, are not eligible to participate in any bargaining unit recognized by the University.
  2. Individuals who hold tenure or faculty status or can negotiate their own contracts or are members of the University’s Senior Leadership are ineligible for VPAS membership. 


Section 1: Executive Council 
  1. The regular business of the VPAS shall be conducted by an Executive Council of six members, each to be elected at large for a two-year term.

    Officers (3): President; Vice-President; and Secretary-Treasurer

    Senators-at Large Representatives (2): two elected.

    Campus Speakers (1): one elected. 

  2. Past President: Ex officio role is to advise Executive Council. Non-elected and non-voting position.
  3. The Executive Council shall meet a minimum of six times per academic calendar year to conduct regular business. 
  4. The Executive Council shall be responsible for convening four general membership meetings per academic calendar year. 
  5. Special meetings of the Executive Council shall be convened by the VPAS president or by one third of the council membership. Special meetings shall be announced forty-eight hours in advance to Executive Council members. 
  6. All meetings shall be conducted according to the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. Three Executive Council members shall constitute a quorum. 
Section 2: Duties of the Executive Council 
  1. Be the official channel through which the Administration addresses the VPAS general membership and through which the VPAS membership addresses its concerns to the Administration. 
  2. Insure proper VPAS representation on all appropriate University-wide committees and organizations. 
  3. Certify all elections. 
  4. Inform the general membership of the Executive Council’s activities and the activities of VPAS in general.
  5. Present to the general membership all recommendations requiring ratification. 
  6. Address issues presented by the general membership and by Senate committees and take appropriate action to see that the recommendations and resolutions of the Senate are carried out. 
  7. Establish such committees as are needed for the performance of Executive Council functions and to appoint members to such committees. 
  8. Solicit and appoint a candidate from among the VPAS as a special representative to work with various offices and any committees there are and to report the work involved with these offices or committees to the Executive Council. 
  9. Solicit and appoint a candidate from among the VPAS to Shared Governance entities such as, but not limited to;
    1. Governance Steering Council (1)
    2. University Student Affairs Committee (1)
    3. University Academic Planning and Policy Committee (1)
    4. Information Technology Advisory Council (1)
    5. Community Affairs Council (1)
    6. Cultural Events Programming Advisory Council (1)

*Note, refer to Shared Governance Charter for shared responsibilities with NJ campus for items 1-4 listed above

Section 3:  Duties and Responsibilities of Officers 
  1. President 
    1. Shall convene and preside at all meetings of the Executive Council and of the general membership. 
    2. Shall transmit all recommendations and concerns to the President of the University in writing. 
    3. Serve as ex-officio member on all VPAS committees except the Elections Committee. 
    4. Represent the VPAS at the Board of Trustees meetings, and at all University functions. 
  2. Vice-President 
    1. Shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President; 
    2. Assume the responsibilities of the President shall that office become vacant. If the President vacates office during the first year of the 2-year term, the Vice-President will hold the office until the end of that first year and a special election would be held. If vacated during the second year of the 2-year term, the Vice-President would hold office until the next general election. 
    3. Perform such other duties as are delegated by the Executive Council. 
    4. Coordinate and oversee the work of all VPAS committees. 
    5. Act as the parliamentarian at all Executive Council and General membership meetings. 
    6. Be the official interpreter of the VPAS constitution and bylaws.  
  3. Secretary-Treasurer 
    1. Keep a full record of all proceedings and communication of the VPAS. 
    2. Works with Campus Speakers to maintain current rosters of all members within the University community who are eligible for membership in the VPAS. 
    3. Disseminate proceedings and communications to the VPAS membership and to appropriate University officials as designated by the Executive Council. 
    4. Keep a record of the receipts and the disbursements of all monies. 
    5. Render periodic reports at the request of the Executive Council. 
    6. Produce and distribute an annual report of the activities of the VPAS for distribution to the University community. 
    7. Publicize the dates of Executive Council meetings and of general membership meetings as directed by the Executive Council. 
  4. Campus Speakers 
    1. Shall serve as members on the Executive Council. 
    2. Act as liaisons between their campus general membership and the Executive Council. 
    3. Act as spokesperson for their respective campus at general meetings and other University functions. 
    4. Make room reservations and order refreshments for general and special meetings; send notifications out to all members for such events. 
    5. Works with Secretary/Treasurer to maintain current rosters of all members in the University community eligible for membership in the VPAS. 
  5. Senators-at-Large 
    1. Shall serve as members on the Executive Council. 
    2. Act as liaisons between their represented campus and the Executive Council. 
    3. Serve as a representative or chairperson of one VPAS standing committee. Chairpersons will be appointed annually.
Section 4:  Attendance 
  1. Any member of the Executive Council who fails to attend two consecutive regular meetings of the Council without being excused shall be considered to have forfeited his/her terms of office. 
  2. Any member of the Executive Council who missed a meeting must put in writing via email to the VPAS Secretary/Treasurer, the reason for his/her absence. The VPAS Secretary/Treasurer may excuse an unavoidable absence due to a reasonable cause. 
  3. All general members should be encouraged to attend all general and special meetings regardless of or irrespective of campus to benefit from and contribute to the work of the Executive Council. 
Section 5:  Resignations and Vacancies 
  1. If a vacancy occurs on the Executive Council, other than the President or Vice-President, The Executive Council shall advise the general membership of the vacancy. 
  2. The Executive Council will accept nominations from the general membership and Executive Council and self-nominations from the general membership. The Executive Council will then vote on the positions from the nominations received. 
  3. Anyone other than the Vice-President filling a vacancy will hold that position until the next general election. 
  4. If the President of VPAS resigns at any time, the Vice-President will assume the duties of the President until the end of the first year of the two-year term if vacated during the first year and then a special election will be held. If vacated during the second year of the two-year term the Vice-President will hold the office until the next general election. If the Vice-President does not accept the position, the Executive Council will advertise the position to the general membership and conduct a special election for the position. 
  5. If the Vice-President of VPAS resigns at any time, the President of VPAS has the authority to appoint an interim Vice-President approved by the Executive Council. The term of the appointed Vice-President will end by the next general election, in order to maintain consistency within the executive council. If a Campus Speaker or Senator-at-Large resigns, a member, approved by the Executive Council, may fill this vacancy until the next general election.


Section 1: The Standing Committees:  

Elections Committee 

  1. Shall solicit nominations for all elected positions from the appropriate constituencies. 
  2. Certify eligibility to participate in elections and in other voting procedures; 
  3. Set up slates for elections. 
  4. Conduct elections. 
  5. Notify the general membership and the University community of election results. 

Policy Review and Development Committee 

  1. Have the responsibility to review, revise, recommend and advise on all University policy matters pertaining to the VPAS general membership. 
  2. Have the authority to establish ad hoc subcommittees to investigate such matters as are deemed necessary by the Executive Council.

 Program Committee 

  1. Develop a process/agenda for all general membership meetings. 
  2. Develop a program to maximize membership and participation in the VPAS. 
  3. Request and received suggestions for issues/concerns to be addressed and for programs to be conducted at general membership meetings. 

Resolution of Differences Committee 

  1. Establish formal procedures with the appropriate University officials for the resolution of differences in such areas as employment and performance evaluation. 
  2. Oversee and evaluate established resolution of differences procedures on an on-going basis. 
  3. Resolve all questions on eligibility for membership in the VPAS.

Cultural Exchange and Wellness Committee / DE&I & Recreation Committee

  1. Foster a welcoming and inclusive environment within the VPAS by promoting cultural awareness and respect.
  2. Develop strategies to ensure that the VPAS membership reflects the Vancouver campus’s diverse population and that everyone feels welcome and valued.

Solicit and appoint a candidate from among the VPAS to Shared Governance entities such as, but not limited to,

  1. Governance Steering Council (1)
  2. University Student Affairs Committee (1)
  3. University Academic Planning and Policy Committee (1)
  4. Information Technology Advisory Council (1)
  5. Community Affairs Council (1 Florham; 1 Metro)
  6. Cultural Events Programming Advisory Council (1 Florham; 1 Metro)

*Note, refer to Shared Governance Charter for shared responsibilities with Vancouver campus for items 1-4 listed above

A member of the Executive Council shall chair each standing committee and provide updates to the Executive Council and membership as needed. Membership shall consist of no less than four members drawn from the general membership and appointed annually by the Chairperson of the respective standing committee. 

The Standing committees shall report directly to the Executive Council.


  1. General elections for all positions shall be held during odd number years.
  2. All eligible positions shall be advertised to the general membership at least two months before the general election. 
  3. To run for President, Vice-President, or Secretary-Treasurer, the candidate must meet the following qualifications: 
    1. Must be a full-time employee at the institution for at least two years.
    2. Must have served at least one previous or current term on the VPAS in some capacity. (i.e., former Campus Speaker or Senator-at-Large). 
  4. Must make a two-year commitment to the office. 
  5. The Elections Committee will be responsible for all aspects of the general election. 
  6. The Elections Committee will send a general ballot to all eligible members. 
  7. The candidates receiving the most votes in each category will be declared the winner for that office. In case of a tie for any position, a runoff election will be held within two weeks. 


  1. The term of office for all Executive Council offices shall commence on July 1st in the odd year, following the general elections between the months of May and June. 
  2. The term of office for all positions shall last for two years. 
  3. There is no limit on the number of terms that can be served by any member of the VPAS Executive Council. 
  4. In the event that during any given term of office, an Executive Council member changes campus (except Campus Speaker or Senator-at-Large) the Executive Council has the authority to reassign duties or assignments for the employee affected. 
  5. If a Campus Speaker or Senator-at-large changes campus, the officer must resign their respective office. Replacement procedures apply from Article IV, Section 5. 


  1. All proposed amendments must be approved by a majority of the Executive Council and presented in writing for consideration to the general membership in advance of a special or general meeting. 
  2. A proposed amendment will be discussed at a special or general meeting to be held two weeks after the written distribution of the proposal. 
  3. Ballots will be distributed to all eligible VPAS voting members. Approval will be determined by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the responses. 
  4. Amendments become effective upon their ratification. 
  5. This Constitution will become effective after being approved by two-thirds of the general membership. 


Rev. 9/18/2024