Break Housing

Winter Break Housing

Not staying for Winter Break, but returning for Spring 2025

You must vacate your residence hall room by 6:00 PM on Wednesday, December 18, 2025.

During the winter recess, we do require all electric equipment to be unplugged. Remember to unplug, defrost, and leave your refrigerator door open. University staff typically enter rooms over break for health and safety checks and routine maintenance.

Please secure or take home any valuables to minimize the chance of theft over the break. You do not have to remove your belongings over the winter break; however, you will have no access to your residence hall room during the break period.

Students found on campus without prior approval will be considered trespassing, face disciplinary action, be charged the applicable rate, and be removed from university property.

If your room has an empty bed, be aware that someone may be assigned to that space at any time over the break. Make sure that your possessions only occupy the portion of the space you are contracted for (i.e. remove items from the extra closet, clear out all dresser drawers, separate and remove everything from spare bed, etc.).

Not returning for Spring 2025

If you are not staying on campus for Spring semester, you are not eligible for Winter Break housing. If you will not be returning to campus for Spring 2024, you must complete a Cancellation Request Application by logging into Metro Campus – and Florham Campus – All students are bound to an academic year agreement unless they are withdrawing, graduating, transferring, taking a leave of absence, attending the Wroxton Campus/Studying Abroad, or will have an academic internship or Co-op.

Your cancellation request is not approved until you receive official notification.

If your cancellation request is approved:

You are responsible for contacting Mail Services and completing a change of address form prior to leaving campus. You must vacate your residence hall room by Wednesday, December 20, 2023, at 6:00 PM

Winter Break Housing and Housing Extension Requests

Residents who wish to stay during any portion of the winter break must submit a Winter Break Housing Application. You will have permission to remain in the halls only if you have received an email confirmation from Housing and Residence Life. Overnight guests are not permitted during winter break. Any resident violating a Housing and Residence Life or FDU Policy will have their extension immediately revoked and face disciplinary procedures. In addition, you will forfeit all related housing fees.

The cost to reside on campus for the entire Winter Session is:

Double $800

Single $1,100

The costs to reside on campus for Winter Classes are:

Double $600

Single $825

You will be moving out on December 20, 2023, and returning on January 2, 2024, when Winter Session classes begin.

The deadline to apply is December 12, 2024 by 11:59 PM.

Apply for Winter Break Housing or a Housing Extension Request:

Log-in to – Metro Campus or -Florham Campus to submit one of the following applications — If you submit one application, you do not require the other.

Winter Break Housing

Housing Extension Request

Reasons to request Winter Break Housing:

Winter Session Classes

On-Campus Employment

International Student

In-season Athlete (if approved, housing offered after start of the New Year)


Reasons to request a Housing Extension:

Late Final (starts after 4 PM on 12/20)

Late Flight (departs after 6 PM on 12/20)

International Students with late flights may request a housing extension up to 2 days past our official closing date. Please email – Metro Campus or – Florham Campus if you need additional information or if your request may exceed the 2-day maximum.

Spring Break Housing

Apply for Spring Break housing

Residents who wish to stay during any portion of the Spring Break must submit a Spring Break housing application. You will have permission to remain in the halls only if you have received an email confirmation from Housing and Residence Life. Overnight guests are not permitted during Spring Break. Any resident violating a Residence Life or FDU Policy will have their extension immediately revoked and face disciplinary procedures. In addition, you will forfeit all related housing fees.

The cost to reside on campus for the entire Spring Break is $200.

The deadline to apply is February 29, 2025.

Not Staying For Spring Break:

You must vacate your residence hall room by 6 PM on Friday, March 7. The residence halls will reopen on Sunday, March 16 at 10 AM. You do not have to remove your belongings over the Spring Break. However, you will have no access to your residence hall room during any portion of the Spring Break.

The SUB Cafeteria will be closed after dinner is served on Friday, March 7, and will reopen for brunch on Sunday, March 16.

Please secure or take home any valuables to minimize the chance of theft over the break. University staff typically enter rooms over break periods for health and safety checks and routine maintenance. Students found on campus without prior approval will be considered trespassing, face disciplinary action, charged the applicable rate, and removed from university property. We will not be receiving any early arrivals — please plan your return trips accordingly.

Apply for Spring Break Housing:

Log-in to MyHousing to submit the following application:

“Spring Break Housing” 

Reasons to request Spring Break Housing:

Classes during Spring Break

On-campus employment

International student

In-season athlete
