Metro Schematic Map

metropolitan campus schematic map

Campus Buildings in Numbered Map Order

1. Bancroft Hall
2. Williams Hall
3. Fitness Center
4. Northpointe Residence Hall
5. Robison Hall
6. Robison Hall Annex
7. Muscarelle Center for Building Construction Studies
8. Kron Administration Building
9. University Hall
10. Alumni Hall
11. TV Production Studio
12. Metropolitan Campus Library
13. Becton Hall
14. Becton Theater
15. Student Counseling and Psychological Services
16. River House
17. Banta Coe House
18. University Court Residence Hall #9
19. University Court Offices #10
20-24. University Court Residence Halls #4-8
25. 892 River Road
26-28. University Court Residence Halls #1-3
29. Public Safety Office (870 River Rd., Teaneck)
30. Interfaith Chapel
31. International Student Services
32. EOF Office
33. 838 River Road, Teaneck
34. Housekeeping
35. 835 SUB Lane (History / Political Science House)
36. 839 SUB Lane (Modern Language House)
37. 867 SUB Lane (Dean of Students)
38. Greg Olsen Student Union
39-46. Linden Court Residence Halls #1-8
47. Student Government
48. International House
49. 10 Woodbridge Ave., Hackensack
51. 131 Temple Ave., Hackensack
52. 139 Temple Ave., Hackensack
54. Bogota Savings Bank Center (100 University Plaza Drive, Hackensack)
55. Dickinson Hall
56. Edward Williams Hall (150 Kotte Place, Hackensack)
57. Field House (1130 River Rd., Teaneck)
58. Purchasing