Greek Life

At FDU, we believe that fraternities and sororities have been and will continue to be an integral and important part of student life on the Metropolitan Campus.
Being Greek is about connecting different people together through a common bond. It’s about supporting each other and being supported in return. It’s about SCHOLARSHIP because that is every student’s primary focus, but it’s also about SERVICE because by helping others, we also help ourselves to become better people.
A strong aspect of any organization is SISTERHOOD and BROTHERHOOD and knowing that there are always people to call your family. Being Greek is also about relaxing and having fun after a tough week’s work, whether hanging out or going out, there are always social events to brighten up your day.
At our campus, a large part of Greek Life is about keeping TRADITIONS alive while setting the standards for incoming Greek members. But most of all, being Greek is about LEADERSHIP and helping members gain the confidence and skills to be strong, independent, and able to lead, but also to follow. Brothers and sisters are the people that encourage us, strengthen us, and help prepare us for the challenges we face every day whether in the classroom or in our activities.
We encourage you to stop by the Office of Student Life to learn more information about Greek Life at FDU!
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African-Americans, was founded at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York on December 4, 1906, by seven college men who recognized the need for a strong bond of Brotherhood among African descendants in this country. The visionary founders, known as the “Jewels” of the Fraternity, are Henry Arthur Callis, Charles Henry Chapman, Eugene Kinckle Jones, George Biddle Kelley, Nathaniel Allison Murray, Robert Harold Ogle, and Vertner Woodson Tandy.
The Fraternity initially served as a study and support group for minority students who faced racial prejudice, both educationally and socially, at Cornell. The Jewel founders and early leaders of the Fraternity succeeded in laying a firm foundation for Alpha Phi Alpha’s principles of scholarship, fellowship, good character, and the uplifting of humanity.
Alpha Phi Alpha chapters were established at other colleges and universities, many of them historically black institutions, soon after the founding at Cornell. The first Alumni Chapter was established in 1911. While continuing to stress academic excellence among its members, Alpha also recognized the need to help correct the educational, economic, political, and social injustices faced by African-Americans. Alpha Phi Alpha has long stood at the forefront of the African-American community’s fight for civil rights through leaders such as: W.E.B. DuBois, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Edward Brooke, Martin Luther King, Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Andrew Young, William Gray, Paul Robeson, and many others. True to its form as the “first of firsts,” Alpha Phi Alpha has been interracial since 1945.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc holds the objectives to stimulate the ambition of its members; to prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the causes of humanity, freedom, and dignity of the individual; to encourage the highest and noblest form of manhood; and to aid down-trodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic, and intellectual status.
The fraternity was founded in 1978 at Rutgers University during a time of political and academic controversy by men who believed that the minority population at colleges and universities were not getting the attention they so desperately needed to advance their academic successes. With this notion, they created Lambda Sigma Upsilon to act as a support group for minorities, as well as provide a family away from home.
On December 1, 1975, history was made — Lambda Theta Phi was founded on the campus of Kean College in Union, New Jersey. In 1975, there were no Latino fraternities in existence in the United States. The Greek-letter organizations of the time primarily catered to Anglo and African-American students and graduates. Lambda’s founders, as men of vision, realized there was a need to unite the Latino students, develop their leadership skills, impart upon them the value of an education, and instill in them a commitment to their community and culture. The traditional student club would not suffice to accomplish such lofty goals. Hence, Latino unity and brotherhood would be achieved through a long recognized institution — the fraternity. This newest addition to the Greek system would be the first in the nation, by identity and by name: Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Incorporated.
The ideals of this brotherhood are the following: Academic Excellence; Brotherhood; Leadership; Latino Unity; Service. On a daily basis, our brothers live up to these ideals, as set forth by fourteen young Latino men decades ago.
At the undergraduate level, our brothers are active within the Fraternity and in other student organizations. As a result of their active participation in every aspect of college life, our undergraduates are developing their organizational, communication, and leadership skills, all while pursuing the coveted diploma. Our younger Lambdas are receiving the training and competence to serve as the future leaders of our brotherhood, community, and nation.
At the professional level, among our ranks you will find attorneys, doctors, and engineers, educators, dedicated fathers, law enforcement, the armed forces, entrepreneurs, coaches, mentors, community activists, elected officials serving on City Councils, Boards of Education, U.S. House of Representatives, and U.S. Senate. In short, Lambdas are contributing and excelling in every facet of human endeavor.
Since our founding, our brotherhood continues to provide the necessary skills and resources for the advancement and empowerment of our people and for the betterment of this nation. Our illustrious history is not only our past but our guiding light to the future. As the first, we overcame many obstacles. Not having much guidance in our formative stages, we persevered and became stronger. Lambda is the product of vision, strength, and unity. Our history serves as a legacy and testament to our accomplishments and greatness.
Omega Psi Phi is a fraternity and is the first African-American national fraternal organization to be founded at a historically black college. On Friday evening, November 17, 1911, three Howard University undergraduate students, with the assistance of their faculty adviser, gave birth to the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. This event occurred in the office of biology in the Science Hall. The founders were three Howard University juniors, Edgar Amos Love, Oscar James Cooper and Frank Coleman, and their faculty adviser, Dr. Ernest Everett Just. From the initials of the Greek phrase meaning “friendship is essential to the soul,” the name Omega Psi Phi was derived. The phrase was selected as the motto. Manhood, scholarship, perseverance and uplift were adopted as cardinal principles.
Each of the founders graduated and went on to have distinguished careers in their chosen fields: Bishop Edgar Amos Love became Bishop of the United Methodist Church; Dr. Oscar James Cooper became a prominent physician, who practiced in Philadelphia for over 50 years; Professor Frank Coleman became the Chairman of the Department of Physics at Howard University for many years; and Dr. Ernest E. became a world-renowned biologist.
On November 23, 1911 in Thirkield Hall, Love became the first Grand Basileus (National President). Cooper and Coleman were selected to be the Grandkeeper of the Records (National Secretary) and Grandkeeper of Seals (National Treasurer), respectively. Eleven Howard University undergraduate men were selected to be the charter members.
The fraternity has worked to build a strong and effective force of men dedicated to its Cardinal Principles of manhood, scholarship, perseverance, and uplift. In 1927, at the urging of fraternity member Carter G. Woodson, the fraternity made National Negro Achievement Week an annual observance and it continues today as Black History Month.
Omega continued to flourish, largely because Founders Love, Cooper, Coleman and Just were men of the very highest ideals and intellect. The Founders selected and attracted men of similar ideals and characteristics. It is not by accident that many of America’s great black men are/were Omega Men. To this date, there are very few Americans whose lives have not been touched by a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Omega has a rich heritage to be protected, celebrated and enhanced!
Sigma Pi is a social fraternity, founded in 1897 at Vincennes University. From the beginning, the Fraternity has undergone several name changes. February 11, 1907, is a significant date in the Fraternity’s history. At that time the members last assembled as Tau Phi Delta and first assumed the name of Sigma Pi Fraternity of the United States. Tau Phi Delta had limited ambitions for expansion. Soon after the name change, Sigma Pi embarked on a program of establishing chapters on other campuses.
In 1984, the Fraternity again changed its name. At the 37th Biennial Convocation, Sigma Pi became an international fraternity by accepting its first Canadian chapter. This international status required the Fraternity to become Sigma Pi Fraternity, International. Today, Sigma Pi is comprised of 124 active chapters, 7 colonies, over 90,000 alumni, and continues to grow each year.
The Mission of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International is to build and support chapters and alumni organizations for the purpose of maintaining a Fellowship of kindred minds united in Brotherhood. To advance Truth and Justice; To Promote Scholarship; To Encourage Chivalry; To Diffuse Culture; And To Develop Character … In the Service of God and man.
Sigma Pi Fraternity is the leading, international men’s collegiate fraternal organization which provides training, guidance and innovative opportunities for: Leadership Development, Social and Personal Development, Academic Achievement, Community Service and Heightened Moral Awareness for its brothers throughout their lives.
The Epsilon Xi chapter was recolonized at the Metropolitan Campus on January 30th, 2005 by a group of gentlemen looking for a new kind of fraternity. This strong group of young men, united in brotherhood, continues to cultivate their fraternal bond and represent the ideals/ethics/principles of Sigma Pi.
Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT) was founded in 1898 as the world’s first Jewish Fraternity. They pride themselves on being an inclusive organization welcoming of any college man who understands and appreciates their mission. With more than 140,000 initiated men ZBT’s can be found in all aspects of life: business, entertainment, media, politics, and much more. The mission of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity (ZBT) is to foster and develop in its membership the tenets of its Credo: Intellectual Awareness, Social Responsibility, Integrity and Brotherly Love, in order to prepare its members for positions of leadership and service within their communities.
The Delta Pi chapter was re-established on Fairleigh Dickinson University, Metropolitan Campus in the Fall of 2011 by 14 gentlemen looking to show why Zeta Beta Tau is known as the “Powerhouse of Excellence”.
Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority was founded by seven Jewish women, Helen Phillips, Ida Beck, Rose Gerstein, Augustina “Tina” Hess, Lee Reiss, Rose Salmowitz and Stella Strauss, at Barnard College in New York City on October 24, 1909. Their goal was to foster lifelong friendship and sisterhood, academics, social involvement and community service while providing a home away from home for their members. “It was her [Helen Phillips’] idea and her persistence more than anything else that brought Alpha Epsilon Phi into existence,” one founder wrote. “I sometimes think that some of those ties were more necessary to Helen than to the others in this group because Helen had no mother and no sisters or brothers, and to her a group of adopted sisters was more of a need and had more significance.”
The dream that was born in a dorm room at Barnard College in 1909 continues to succeed, prosper and thrive on over 50 college and university campuses nationwide. AEPhi welcomes with open arms hundreds of new members each year and seeks not only to live up to the ideals and goals of its original founders, but also to exceed them.
The beliefs and goals of Alpha Epsilon Phi and our members are best stated in our Core Values Statement: “Above all else, Alpha Epsilon Phi inspires exemplary women who are: enriched by sisterhood and unconditional friendships, dedicated to selfless service and inspiring others, and committed to intellectual growth and personal development. As a lifelong member of Alpha Epsilon Phi, I will: respect our shared heritage and traditions, exhibit high ideals and moral character, fulfill expectations and responsibilities of membership, and continually exemplify the values of beauty, strength and wisdom as embodied by the three columns of our insignia.”
Members of Alpha Epsilon Phi have continued to make the vision of our founders a high priority as seen in AEPhi’s commitment to community service and philanthropy since our earliest days, our members’ continued academic excellence and our on-going leadership training and development.
At FDU’s metropolitan campus, we stay true to AEPhi’s ideals with a diverse group of women from all over the country and the world. The Phi Xi chapter of AEPhi at FDU was founded on campus September 26, 1987 and has been going strong for 23 years-giving us the honor of being the oldest continually active sorority on this campus! We encourage our members to be active in all aspects of college and Greek life, including community services and philanthropic activities. We have two national medical philanthropies: Sharsheret, a national breast cancer organization, and The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids foundation, founded by an AEPhi to promote awareness and educate people on the special issues concerning children with the AIDS virus.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc (AKA) was founded on a mission comprised of five basic tenets that have remained unchanged since the sorority’s inception more than a century ago. Alpha Kappa Alpha’s mission is to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among college women, to study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social structure, to maintain a progressive interest in college life, and to be of “Service to All Mankind.”
The small group of women who founded Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority at the turn of the last century were conscious of their privileged position as college-trained women of color just one generation removed from slavery. But at the same time, they were sensitive to the needs and struggles of the less fortunate in underserved communities in their hometowns and in other environs beyond their travels who were in need of goods, services and opportunities beyond their reach. The young Collegians’ commitment to scholarship, leadership, civic engagement and public service, woven together by the bonds of lifelong sisterhood, formed the bedrock of the rich legacy of servant-leadership that epitomizes the sorority to this day. And the global reach of its programs, laser-focused on the health, wealth, family, education, human rights and parity issues that concern its constituents, ensures the relevance of the organization into perpetuity.
For over 100 years, Alpha Sigma Tau has been an active presence at universities and colleges across the country. From its beginnings in 1899 to today, the Purpose of the Sorority has been to promote the ethical, cultural, and social development of its members and members have maintained high standards of scholarship, friendship, and social grace.
The establishment of sororities on college campuses which addressed themselves to the education of teachers led to the formation of those sororities into the Association of Education Sororities. One of these goals of Alpha Sigma Tau was to become a national sorority, and to achieve membership in AES.
Alpha Sigma Tau’s first ten years was a period of establishing an appropriate foundation to move toward the structure needed to develop a national organization. In April 1905, a group of women at Central Michigan Normal School (now Central Michigan University), in Mt. Pleasant, joined Alpha Sigma Tau as Beta Chapter. Other chapters soon affiliated, and by April 1926, the Sorority had achieved membership in AES. The Sorority’s first convention was held in Detroit, Michigan, where the Sorority magazine, The ANCHOR, was established.
In December 1951, the AES merged with the National Panhellenic Conference, and Alpha Sigma Tau began its long and active association with NPC. AST Cynthia Peckhart McCrory served on the Executive Committee of NPC from 1979 through 1985, and was elected to the first Executive Board of the National Panhellenic Conference Foundation.
The Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation was incorporated in 1982 to promote and expand the educational and charitable activities of the Sorority. The major milestone has provided Alpha Sigma Tau with the means to make stronger philanthropic contributions and to more readily provide academic scholarships to sisters.
In 1995 Alpha Sigma Tau established its new building for the Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama. This office serves as the clearinghouse for most sorority information, and as the Sorority’s “home.”
From the beginning, alumnae involvement as been an important part ofmembership in Alpha Sigma Tau. Alumnae have been instrumental in the expansion and growth of the Sorority, providing guidance and support to Collegiate Chapters, and taking leadership roles in Greek organizations. They have also staffed Headquarters, coordinated Conventions, and funded major Sorority projects.
Today, Collegiate and Alumnae Sisters continue to form strong and lasting bonds in Alpha Sigma Tau. The Sorority’s programs and social service projects continue to enrich the lives of many, helping Sisters contribute our share to the progress of mankind. We welcome new sisters and help each other grow to be contributing members of our community.
The State University of New York at Geneseo otherwise known as S.U.N.Y. Geneseo is an extraordinary university locale. To some individuals, this location is a tiny spot on a New York State map possibly having little importance. However, to the members of this organization S.U.N.Y. Geneseo has great significance, it is our birthplace. A predominantly Caucasian campus with a diminutive minority population was the driving force behind our Six Pillars of Strength, to eagerly seek commonality, cultural identity and growth of mind. They aspired to address, combat, and earnestly attempt a resolution to the increasing complexity and seriousness of womanhood problems, in particularly those of Latinas. Their desires lead them the Lambda Way to experience the unknown. They had a great deal of faith, vision and ambition in their capabilities and believed that as a closer support system they would provide others especially Latinas with the strength to succeed. Through sacrifices and struggles they confronted challenges of women of color by providing a sisterly network of strength, substantiality and empowerment.
Defying social and political boundaries; on November 6, 1992 they succeeded in creating a new path in which women of all walks of life can follow. Members of Lambda Pi Upsilon Sorority, Latinas Poderosas Unidas, Inc. uphold the following six founding principles: Family, Advancement, Education, Motivation, Learning and Exposure. Throughout the years, we have maintained such dedication to these principles and earnestly seek quality members to develop the organization at various Universities and Colleges.
Lambda Pi Upsilon Sorority, Latinas Poderosas Unidas Incorporated is proud to be one of the youngest Latina based, all inclusive greek lettered organizations in the country. We recognize and appreciate that our Six Pillars of Strength created the foundation for our Hermandad to be everlasting, which is why it is a special relationship that must always be nurtured. Our commitment to education, cultural awareness, family and above all each other guarantees our Legacy… Hermanas Para Siempre Con Amor, Dignidad Y Orgullo!
The year 1975 saw the birth of what started as a vision – an idea of an organization, a sisterhood that would cater to the needs of Latinas and the universal woman. Thanks to the tremendous strides made by our seventeen founding mothers, this dream was realized, and took form as the entity: Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Incorporated, the first Latina sorority in the nation.
There were several causes leading to the realization that such an organization was necessary. Traditionally, the role of the Latina woman was that of maintaining the family institution and falling into the realm of the Machismo stigma. As the Latino migration to the United States increased, so did the emergence of independent Latina women, eager to be at the forefront of an era of a new educational, political and social consciousness. In the early 70’s, colleges and universities experienced an influx of Latino enrollment. With this growth, the need for support groups and outreach programs were at an all time high, primarily for the low percentage of Latina women in higher education institutions.
In 1975, Kean University in Union, New Jersey introduced and began to implement bilingual studies, as well as a Latino and Caribbean studies department. Women of Latin descent were now able to embark in Higher Education even if English was not their native language. Although this enabled and facilitated the educational advancement of the Latina woman, a huge void was left to be filled – still missing was support and equality; a constant reminder to these women that they were still the minority, and that their struggle for equality on every level had just begun. It was at this university, in this historical time period, that a group of women convened to discuss the formation of a sorority for Latina women. Its focus would be to actively integrate itself into the social, political and community service arena that other students had been involved with. Together, as a united front they could compete, collaborate and assist with any student run programs, thus making their voices as loud and profound as the majority voice; their concerns equally as important.
Lambda Theta Alpha was recognized at Kean University as the First Latina Sorority founded in the United States. This organization was the first to recognize the need for a support system, thus creating one. The desire to progress, dedication to their community, and the aspiration for the advancement of the Latina women marked the beginning of Lambda Theta Alpha. It allowed the independent Latina woman of a new era to have a sense of belonging and with that, achieve her highest potential. It would define a new role for the Latina woman, one with education, goals and vision in hopes of great success.
Now, 34 years later, we have seen the outcome of such an organization. Lambda Theta Alpha has contributed to the advancement of all people by helping to produce educated women of many races, ethnicities, and creeds. These women are political leaders, doctors, lawyers, teachers, accountants, etc. LTA has also paved the way for many other Latina organizations, which would later pursue the empowering movement that we set the trend for. From 1975 to date, Lambda Theta Alpha has upheld its purpose and mission, each day realizing the Founder’s dream – that it may serve as a quintessential trailblazer for all women.
Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. was founded as the first multicultural, greek-lettered organization in the nation on November 21, 1981, at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. Our founders were five women determined to establish an organization that brought together all women regardless of race, creed, or religion. It was their limitless vision that enabled these determined women to break down the barriers and build the bridges that connected these women… Hence, our motto “Mujeres Siempre Unidas,” or “Women Always United.” We are an organization of college-educated women committed to academics, the unification of all women, and the services for our communities and universities. Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. was founded as a stepping and strolling organization, which means it is part of the sorority’s history and traditions. Here, at Fairleigh Dickinson University–Metropolitan Campus, the ỌKỤ Chapter of Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. was founded in Spring, 2019. For more information visit and follow us on Instagram at @msu_oku.
Omega Phi Chi is a multicultural sorority that was established on November 9, 1988 at Rutgers University in New Jersey by eight women of Asian, African-American, and Latina descent. Our eight founding mothers were an active group of young women leaders who felt the absence of any organization on the Rutgers campus that spoke to their needs across diverse backgrounds, distinct cultural roots and a commitment to womanhood. They came together to found a multicultural sorority, a different type of organization, that would not be categorized by ethnicity or culture.
The overall purpose of Omega Phi Chi is to generate unity among all women. We believe that we can promote ethnic diversity by integrating women across all boundaries and cultures. Through the common bond of womanhood, we are then able to nurture our ideas of sisterhood. Among our ideas of sisterhood are the concepts of love, honesty, loyalty, mutual respect, and the responsibility of one another. After unity, the main objectives of this organization are academic excellence and involvement in community affairs. Education plays a vital role throughout the course of one’s lifetime; therefore, through the aid of donations, scholarships, and the shared efforts of our sisters, we can propel one another towards various career goals and aspirations. We aim to promote positivity and an improved outlook on life, as well as foster opportunities to improve ones standard of living.
Omega Phi Chi is above the stereotypical notions of sorority as a purely social endeavor. We have created a space for women to come together as a true sisterhood and support system that is strong and empowering. Our sisterhood cultivates leaders backed by the support of an entire organization of women committed to making sure we each have a voice and place at the table in a society where women and minorities continue to be underrepresented across all fields. While undergraduate sisters are provided with support and encouragement during their college years, they are welcomed into a network of professionals upon graduation, willing to mentor and offer guidance as they move into the real world.
Omega Phi Chi recognizes that academic excellence is significant in building a foundation of knowledge to support future individual growth and aspiration. In addition to organizational and leadership skills building, Omega Phi Chi instills in each sister a commitment to high academic standards. As a result of our emphasis on academics that is implemented by: providing scholarships; holding study sessions; tutoring; and counseling; we have amongst our ranks; scholars, honor society members, high honor graduates, graduate and doctoral students as well as doctors, lawyers and business executives.
Omega Phi Chi recognizes the challenges women face as professionals from unequal pay to breaking through the glass ceiling to balancing a career and family and is also cognizant of how these obstacles differ across race, class, and sexuality. Our Alumni will get together informally and formally throughout the year either during small personal gatherings or planned networking events to make connections, build relationships, or share ideas and advice. The sisterhood is always present for each individual throughout various stages of life and personal growth.
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was founded on the campus of Butler University on November 12, 1922, by seven school teachers in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was incorporated within the state of Indiana in December 1922 and as a national collegiate sorority on December 30, 1929, at which time a charter was granted and the Alpha chapter was established.
The sorority is a non-profit whose aim is to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public service, leadership development and the education of youth are the hallmark of the organization’s programs and activities.
Founded in the midst of segregation, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. is the only sorority of the four historically African-American sororities which comprise the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), to be established at a predominantly white campus.