Organization Resources
In any college community, there is a responsibility to provide opportunities for students to express their individuality and to satisfy their needs and interests. At Fairleigh Dickinson University, the student clubs and organizations, in cooperation with the Office of Student Life provide many of those opportunities.
The Office of Student Life seeks to compliment the traditional programs of study and enhance the overall educational experience through development of, exposure to, and participation in social, cultural, intellectual, recreational, and governance activities. The Office of Student Life seeks to provide an environment in which students are
Encouraged and assisted in the development of activities that expand involvement in the college community and society;
Exposed to various cultures and experiences, ideas and issues, art and musical forms;
Informed about institutional policies, procedures, and aided in the awareness and utilization of facilities and other campus resources;
Assisted in the development of leadership through opportunities to practice leadership, decision-making, and other related skills.
Should you have a special interest in an area that is not currently an active or recognized student club, we encourage you to develop that interest into a new student club. The process for starting a club is simple and can be explained by contacting the Office of Student Life. Our office will provide you with information regarding your first membership meeting, writing a constitution for the group, and receiving recognition and funding from Student Government.
It is the philosophy of the Office of Student Life to encourage students in leadership positions to assume high levels of decision making and responsibility. However, it has become evident that in certain situations the same students have assumed leadership positions in more than one organization or programs on campus. When this situation occurs, the potential impact upon the individual student, their organization or programs and the populations which they serve increases greatly. It has also become apparent that because of the relationship that exists between certain organizations, it may be a conflict of interest to allow the same individual to function as an executive officer for more than one student organization. It is the position of Student Life that as many students as possible become involved in activities and be encouraged to assume leadership responsibilities.
The quality of your involvement in Student Life can be measured by your willingness to take risks. Leadership is not a short-term commitment — it is a lifelong commitment. The aptitudes and skills that you develop here at
Fairleigh Dickinson University will change as your environment changes and will be a trade secret to success in your lifelong community role. The ability is yours and the information to get started is here.
The Student Organization Resource pages are for student leaders and advisors and include all you need to know about running an organization. It will aid you in successfully leading your student organization and will familiarize you with the rules and policies related to recognize student organizations. As an important part of campus life, student organizations and other co-curricular activities provide leadership development opportunities to enhance your college career. Through the Office of Student Life, Fairleigh Dickinson University provides certain privileges to student organizations in good standing. This opportunity will enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of exposure to, and participation in social, cultural, intellectual, recreational, and governance programs.