Organizations of Faith

FDU CRU (Campus Crusades for Christ)

FDU CRU is a student-led movement seeks to introduce students to Christ, help them to grow in faith and encourage them to passionately live life in a manner consistent with belief in the God of the Bible. All FDU students are welcome to participate in all programs and activities that are offered, regardless of the student’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual preference or gender expression, or any other protected status under law.

Follow CRU on social media:

FDU Hillel

The purpose of this organization is to provide an outlet for students who wish to learn more about Jewish traditions, customs and religion. All FDU students are welcome to participate in all programs and activities that are offered, regardless of the student’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual preference or gender expression, or any other protected status under law.

Follow Hillel on social media:

Catholic Campus Ministry

An open and inviting group of students looking to seek and learn more about the Catholic faith. All FDU students are welcome to participate in all programs and activities that are offered, regardless of the student’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual preference or gender expression, or any other protected status under law.

Follow Catholic Campus Ministry on social media:

Muslim Student Association

The MSA is committed to giving Muslim and non-Muslim students the opportunity to be a part of a religious and spiritual community on campus. We aim to aid in the debunking of disinformation surrounding Islam at the college level, whilst also spread love and acceptance through fun and interactive on-campus events! All FDU students are welcome to participate in all programs and activities that are offered, regardless of the student’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual preference or gender expression, or any other protected status under law.

Follow MSA on social media:
