Campus Media Organizations
The Pillar
This is the campus newspaper published by students for students. The purposes of the publication are to: provide accurate information to the campus community about events and issues; print articles by and for the students that are of significant interest to students; educate its members in the methods, privileges, and responsibilities of journalism; and allow students to gain experience in all areas of newspaper work. All FDU students are welcome to participate in all programs and activities that are offered, regardless of the student’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual preference or gender expression, or any other protected status under law.
Follow The Pillar on social media at:
- Instagram: @fdupillar
- Twitter: @fdupillar
- Facebook: The Pillar
- LinkedIn: The Pillar
- YouTube: The Pillar News Network
Iron Horse Creative Anthology
Iron Horse is a student-run Literary Magazine and Creative Anthology. We set a theme for each issue we put out and aim to publish two volumes a year, once per semester. Iron Horse allows students to submit any kind of writing or art to the magazine. All FDU students are welcome to participate in all programs and activities that are offered, regardless of the student’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual preference or gender expression, or any other protected status under law.
Follow Iron Horse on social media:
- Instagram: @fduironhorse
FDU Florham Radio Club
Interested in podcasts, radio shows, etc.? This is the place for you! Radio club teaches you how to develop and execute your own shows and podcasts! All FDU students are welcome to participate in all programs and activities that are offered, regardless of the student’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual preference or gender expression, or any other protected status under law.
Follow Radio Club on social media:
- Instagram: @florhamcampusradio
The official TV channel for Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Florham Campus. All FDU students are welcome to participate in all programs and activities that are offered, regardless of the student’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual preference or gender expression, or any other protected status under law.
Follow FDUYouTV on social media: