Florham Campus Next Month
April 2025
1 Tue.; Online Library Workshop, Digital Scholarship Series, “Introduction to Data Visualization,” introduction to Flourish and Canva, tools to create data storytelling for research, Erica Weidner, research and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 4–4:45 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email e.weidner@fdu.edu or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.
2 Wed.; Wisdom Wednesday Series, Change Management, “Hotshot Rule: How Action Drives Confidence,” insight into how to effectively take action at work and develop sustainable habits that lead to continued professional growth, inspired by 2024 TEDNext Conference, presented by Division of Student Affairs; Zoom, 12:15 p.m., free, for information email tlbanks@fdu.edu, for FDU faculty and staff only.
2 Wed.; Virtual Information Session, MSN Entry-to-RN Practice, sponsored by Henry P. Becton School of Nursing and Allied Health; Zoom, 2–3 p.m., free, for information email SNAH@fdu.edu.
2 Wed.; Online Library Workshop, Is It Fake News? How Celebrities Manipulate the Media Cycle,” learn vital skills in navigating the news cycle, as well as how and why information is created, used and spread, Colleen Fischer, research and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 3–4 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email c.fischer1@fdu.edu or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.
2 Wed.; Self-care Club, “Be YogAmazing,” practice restorative yoga to enhance awareness and stress-management skills, get support from fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Suite, Room 9, Hennessy Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU students only.
3 Thu.; Virtual Information Session, Undergraduate/Entry-level Nursing, sponsored by Henry P. Becton School of Nursing and Allied Health; Zoom, noon–1 p.m., free, for information email SNAH@fdu.edu.
3 Thu.; Virtual Information Session, Allied Health, Health Studies and Phlebotomy, sponsored by Henry P. Becton School of Nursing and Allied Health; Zoom, 1–2 p.m., free, for information email SNAH@fdu.edu.
3 Thu.; Trevor Project Fundraiser, baked goods/cookies and various items such as enamel pride pins for sale, proceeds benefit The Trevor Project, suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit for LGBTQ+ young people, sponsored by Progress Pride; Mall, Santoloci Student Center, for information email g.romanowsk@student.fdu.edu, for FDU community only.
3 Thu.; Online Library Workshop, “Searching Newspaper Databases,” basic primer on identifying different types of newspaper articles, how to evaluate those articles for bias and demonstration of searching selection of newspaper databases through library’s website, Patty Miraglilo, research and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 5–6 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email p.miraglilo@fdu.edu or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.
4 Fri.–6 Sun.; FDU Theater Season, “Cinderella,” music by Richard Rodgers; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein; new book by Douglas Carter Beane; directed by Patrick Polsin, theater; choreography by Cynthia Thole Loewus, musical theater/dance; musical direction by Allen Cohen, music, presented by School of the Arts; Dreyfuss Theater, Dreyfuss Building, Fri., 7:30 p.m.; Sat., 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; and Sun., 2:30 p.m., $15, $10 senior citizens 65+, $5 FDU community and students, tickets purchased online, reserving tickets ahead of time strongly recommended, limited seats available for each performance, bring printouts of e-tickets or have e-tickets on phone scanned at door, for tickets and information call 973-443-8644 or go to FDU Theater Season.
5 Wed.; Dinner and Show, presented by FDU Theater Arts Program and FDU Alumni Association; Dinner, Lenfell Hall, Hennessy Hall, 5:30 p.m.; Show, “Cinderella,” Dreyfuss Theater, Dreyfuss Building, 7:30 p.m., $60 (includes dinner, beer/wine, soft drinks, general seating for “Cinderella” and FDU gift), limited number of tickets, registration necessary by 3/31 Mon. or until sold out, for information email fdualumni@fdu.edu, call 201-692-7106 or go to Dinner and a Show: Cinderella.
6 Sun.; Opera at Florham, “Celebriamo Puccini,” celebration of Giacomo Puccini’s operas, piano accompaniment/artistic direction by Mary Pinto, Opera at Florham artistic director; Lenfell Hall, Hennessy Hall, 2–4 p.m., $30 by check (fill out form, make check payable to Opera at Florham and mail to Opera at Florham, PO Box 343, Convent Station, NJ 07961) or pay at box office on day of performance; $33 if paying online by credit card, $11 students 25 and under, free for FDU students 25 and under (ticket sales go directly to awards of Annual International Vocal Competition on Sunday, May 4), complimentary parking with free shuttle, to purchase tickets and for information go to Celebriamo Puccini.
7 Mon.–18 Fri.; Priority Registration for Fall Semester 2025.
7 Mon.; Online Library Workshop, “Using Nexis Uni,” navigating Nexis Uni to find case law and more, Robert Richlan, research and instruction librarian, Monninger Center for Learning and Research; Zoom, 3–3:30 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email robert_richlan@fdu.edu or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.
7 Mon.; CommuniTEA, Dandelion Tea, deeper understanding of wellness through tea, participants interact through medium of tea culture and appreciation to promote self-care, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Suite, Room 9, Hennessy Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU community only.
7 Mon.; Self-care Club, “Musical-oration,” listen to curated selections of music and podcasts to explore how sound can influence mood, focus and artistic inspiration, get support from fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Suite, Room 9, Hennessy Hall, 5:30 p.m., free, for information email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU students only.
7 Mon.; Virtual Open House, Master of Public Health (MPH) Program, includes overview and Q&A session with MPH faculty; Zoom, 7 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email a.brace@fdu.edu or call 973-443-8230.
8 Tue.; Virtual Information Session, Center for Dyslexia Studies Structured Literacy/Orton-Gillingham Teacher Training Program, next program begins in fall 2025 at FDU Center for Dyslexia Studies (Metropolitan Campus); Zoom, 4:30 p.m., free, to RSVP or for additional information call 201-692-2816 or email graceh@fdu.edu.
8 Tue.; Online Library Workshop, “Citation Skills for English for Professional Success (EPS) Graduate Students,” based on active group conversations/activity work about academic integrity, what it means to be part of scholarly community, APA citations and annotated bibliographies; difference between APA and MLA; and how to cite visual resources, Michele Nestory, reference and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 5–6 p.m. EST, free (qualifies for EPS academic credit), registration necessary, for information email michelel@fdu.edu or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.
9 Wed.; Grad Salute, pick up caps, gowns, hoods and announcements; have graduate portraits taken, purchase class rings and degree frames and decorate graduation caps; Mall, Santoloci Student Center, 11 a.m.–7 p.m., free, for information email r.hanco@fdu.edu, for FDU community only.
9 Wed.; Grad Greetings, graduating students record video messages of gratitude to family, friends, faculty and staff, to be broadcast on screen at MetLife Stadium; Santoloci Student Center, 11 a.m.–7 p.m., free, for information email r.hanco@fdu.edu, or go to Grad Greetings, for graduating students only.
9 Wed.; Wisdom Wednesday Series, Avoiding Burnout, “Sustainable Ambition,” explore ways to reframe one’s 9–5 to thrive, inspired by 2024 TEDNext Conference, presented by Division of Student Affairs; Zoom, 12:15 p.m., free, for information email tlbanks@fdu.edu, for FDU faculty and staff only.
9 Wed.; Faculty Colloquium, “The Use of AI in Strategic Human Resources,” Hossein Hakimpour, administrative science (Van), sponsored by School of Public and Global Affairs; Zoom, 1 p.m. EST, free, for information email woolley@fdu.edu.
9 Wed.; Self-care Club, “Musical-oration,” listen to curated selections of music and podcasts to explore how sound can influence mood, focus and artistic inspiration, get support from fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Suite, Room 9, Hennessy Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU students only.
10 Thu.; TIAA On-campus Individual Counseling, Joseph Del Grande, TIAA financial consultant, sponsored by human resources; Room 241, Stadler/Zenner Academic Building, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., free, by appointment, for appointment and information call 201-498-8306 or email Joe.DelGrande@tiaa.org, for FDU faculty and staff only.
10 Thu.; Information Session, Regional Center for Learning Disabilities, for parents, prospective students and high-school teachers/staff; Sullivan Lounge, Hennessy Hall, 10 a.m., free, registration necessary, to register and for information call 973-443-8981 or email sbrueno@fdu.edu.
10 Thu.; Online Library Workshop, “Research Basics for Undergraduate English for Professional Success (EPS) Students,” research tools available through library website, common stages of research process, citation tools and how to improve search process; learn about library’s Language Translation Applications page with tools that can assist in translating websites, databases and PDFs; Michele Nestory, reference and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 4–5 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email michelel@fdu.edu or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.
10 Thu.; Virtual Writing Studio Workshop, “Common Essay Patterns,” review various patterns available to writers for composing essays before examining strategies for writing clear and effective argumentative, compare-and-contrast and cause-and-effect essays, Helen Kuttner, Becton College (Metro) and tutor, Metro Writing Studio, sponsored by Metro Writing Studio; Zoom, 4–5:30 p.m. EST (log in 10 minutes prior to start of session), free, for information call 201-692-2166, email jawagner@fdu.edu or go to Metro Writing Studio, for FDU community only.
11 Fri.–13 Sun.; FDU Theater Season, “Cinderella,” music by Richard Rodgers; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein; new book by Douglas Carter Beane; directed by Patrick Polsin, theater; choreography by Cynthia Thole Loewus, musical theater/dance; musical direction by Allen Cohen, music, presented by School of the Arts; Dreyfuss Theater, Dreyfuss Building, Fri., 7:30 p.m.; Sat.–Sun., 2:30 p.m., $15, $10 senior citizens 65+, $5 FDU community and students, tickets purchased online, reserving tickets ahead of time strongly recommended, limited seats available for each performance, bring printouts of e-tickets or have e-tickets on phone scanned at door, for tickets and information call 973-443-8644 or go to FDU Theater Season.
12 Sat.; Annual Women’s Soccer Alumnae Game, hosted by Devils athletics and women’s soccer; Robert T. Shields Field, 5–8 p.m., Postgame Tailgate, Shields Field, $20 per alumna, registration necessary (registration includes t-shirts and Postgame Tailgate), alumnae guests attend for free, proceeds go to support women’s soccer program, for information email spohner@fdu.edu.
14 Mon.; CommuniTEA, Yerba Mate Tea, deeper understanding of wellness through tea, participants interact through medium of tea culture and appreciation to promote self-care, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Suite, Room 9, Hennessy Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU community only.
14 Mon.; Self-care Club, “Walk’n on Sunshine: Mindful Nature Walks,” focus on walking as accessible and effective form of exercise, learn about mental health benefits of physical activity, including improved mood and reduced stress, get support from fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Suite, Room 9, Hennessy Hall, 5:30 p.m., free, for information email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU students only.
15 Tue.; Open House, Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) Degree, Master of Public Administration (MPA) Degree with Specialization in Healthcare Management and Certificate in Health Care Management; Cafeteria, Valley Hospital, 4 Valley Health Plaza, Paramus, N.J., 11 a.m.–2 p.m., free, for information email c.costa1@fdu.edu or go to Master of Healthcare Administration or Master of Public Administration.
15 Tue.; Open House, Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) Degree, Master of Public Administration (MPA) Degree with Specialization in Healthcare Management and Certificate in Health Care Management; Outside Cafeteria, The Valley Hospital Dorothy B. Kraft Center, 15 Essex Road, Paramus, N.J., 11 a.m.–2 p.m., free, for information email c.costa1@fdu.edu or go to Master of Healthcare Administration or Master of Public Administration.
16 Wed.; Wisdom Wednesday Series, Authentically You!, “Putting Inclusion First,” focusing on growth, trust and voice; learn how to lead by being one’s authentic self and empowering others to see themselves, inspired by 2024 TEDNext Conference, presented by Division of Student Affairs; Zoom, 12:15 p.m., free, for information email tlbanks@fdu.edu, for FDU faculty and staff only.
16 Wed.; Meditation/Mindfulness Group via Zoom, Charles Imbimbo, psychological counselor, Office of Mental and Emotional Wellbeing (OMEW) (Metro), sponsored by OMEW (formerly S-CAPS); Zoom, 4 p.m., free, for information call 201-692-2174 or email imbimbo@fdu.edu, for FDU community only.
16 Wed.; Self-care Club, “Walk’n on Sunshine: Mindful Nature Walks,” focus on walking as accessible and effective form of exercise, learn about mental health benefits of physical activity, including improved mood and reduced stress, get support from fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Suite, Room 9, Hennessy Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU students only.
17 Thu.; Virtual Writing Studio Workshop, “Creating the Works-cited List,” designed for those who are familiar with basics of MLA parenthetical citation, Yelena Shekhtman, Becton College (Metro) and tutor, Metro Writing Studio, sponsored by Metro Writing Studio; Zoom, 1–2:30 p.m. EST (log in 10 minutes prior to start of session), free, for information call 201-692-2166, email jawagner@fdu.edu or go to Metro Writing Studio, for FDU community only.
17 Thu.; Interactive Workshop, Stress Awareness and Anxiety, creating personalized book jackets or booklets for stories about coping skills to reduce anxiety, facilitated by Laura Bancone, psychological counselor, Wellness Center, cosponsored by FDU libraries and Wellness Center; Periodicals Room, Third Floor, Monninger Center for Learning and Research, 2:30–3:30 p.m., free, for information email friedl@fdu.edu, for FDU community only.
18 Fri.; Friday Nights @ Florham, Movie Night, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Dreyfuss Theater, Dreyfuss Building, 7 p.m., free, for informational email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU community only.
21 Mon.; CommuniTEA, Lemongrass Tea, deeper understanding of wellness through tea, participants interact through medium of tea culture and appreciation to promote self-care, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Suite, Room 9, Hennessy Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU community only.
21 Mon.; Self-care Club, “A-Flora-ble Plants,” engage in planting activities to explore therapeutic benefits of nurturing greenery, learn about role of plants in creating calming environment, get support from fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Suite, Room 9, Hennessy Hall, 5:30 p.m., free, for information email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU students only.
22 Tue.; Virtual Information Session, Graduate Nursing (Nurse Practitioner MSN, Postgraduate Certificate and DNP), sponsored by Henry P. Becton School of Nursing and Allied Health; Zoom, noon–1 p.m., free, for information email SNAH@fdu.edu.
22 Tue.; Master of Social Work (MSW) Virtual Information Session, program overview and Q&A session with program director and faculty; Zoom, 6–7:30 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email zakiaclay@fdu.edu.
23 Wed.; Wisdom Wednesday Series, Community Healing, “When Life Happens: FDU Organizational Grief,” discuss impact of COVID and Black Lives Matter and how FDU community is tackling these challenges effectively, inspired by 2024 TEDNext Conference, presented by Division of Student Affairs; Zoom, 12:15 p.m., free, for information email tlbanks@fdu.edu, for FDU faculty and staff only.
23 Wed.; Meditation/Mindfulness Group via Zoom, Charles Imbimbo, psychological counselor, Office of Mental and Emotional Wellbeing (OMEW) (Metro), sponsored by OMEW (formerly S-CAPS); Zoom, 4 p.m., free, for information call 201-692-2174 or email imbimbo@fdu.edu, for FDU community only.
23 Wed.; Self-care Club, “A-Flora-ble Plants,” engage in planting activities to explore therapeutic benefits of nurturing greenery, learn about role of plants in creating calming environment, get support from fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Suite, Room 9, Hennessy Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU students only.
23 Wed.; Virtual Presentation/Workshop, “Turn Your Summer Internship Into a Full-time Job,” for Silberman College students with summer internships but non-Silberman students welcome, Patricia Wyer, manager of placement/outreach, and Paige Soltano, director of placement/outreach, Silberman College of Business, sponsored by Professional Development Program, Silberman College; Zoom, 5 p.m., free, registration necessary via FDU Handshake, for information email patwyer@fdu.edu, for FDU students only.
24 Thu.; Third Annual Hospitality Alumni Reception and Celebration, “Launching the Future … Remembering the Past,” celebrate class of 2025, recognize distinguished alumni and network with former classmates, hosted by FDU Hospitality and Tourism Alumni Chapter; Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, N.J., 6 p.m., $125 per person, sponsorship opportunities available, proceeds support scholarships for students of International School of Hospitality, Sports, and Tourism Management, registration necessary by 4/18 Fri. or until sold out, for information go to Hospitality Alumni Reception and Celebration, call 201-692-7276 or email kpappas@fdu.edu.
24 Thu.; Virtual Information Session, Regional Center for Learning Disabilities, for parents, prospective students and high-school teachers/staff; Zoom, 6:30 p.m., free, registration necessary to receive Zoom link, to register and for information call 973-443-8981 or email sbrueno@fdu.edu.
27 Sun.; Opera Talk, “The Wonderful Sound of the Operatic Singing Voice,” Lou Barrella, educator specializing in music/opera appreciation, explores both great and not-so-great singing to inspire and amuse, sponsored by Opera at Florham; Hartman Lounge, Hennessy Hall, 2–3:30 p.m., $10, registration requested, walk-ins welcome, for information go to Opera Talk.
28 Mon.; Second Annual Sport Management Golf Outing, hosted by SPAD3016 Sport Event Management students; Galloping Hill Golf Course, 3 Kenilworth Drive, Kenilworth, N.J., registration/practice range 7:30 a.m., shotgun start 9 a.m., cookout lunch/awards ceremony 2 p.m., $200 individual, $765 foursome, $50 lunch only, sponsorships available, proceeds benefit sport management program, registration necessary by 4/14 Mon. (or until all spaces filled), for information email mhawzen@fdu.edu or go to Sport Management Golf Outing.
28 Mon.; CommuniTEA, Tea Party, end-of-semester celebration of all teas presented, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Suite, Room 9, Hennessy Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email k.cothran@fdu.edu, for FDU community only.
29 Tue.; Open House, Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) Degree, Master of Public Administration (MPA) Degree with Specialization in Healthcare Management and Certificate in Health Care Management; Cafeteria, Clara Maass Medical Center, One Clara Maass Drive, Belleville, N.J., 11 a.m.–2 p.m., free, for information email c.costa1@fdu.edu or go to Master of Healthcare Administration or Master of Public Administration.
30 Wed.; Wisdom Wednesday Series, Community Healing, “Life Management: The Intersection of Personal Grief and Professional Crisis,” how to manage life amid uncertainty while thriving professionally and personally, inspired by 2024 TEDNext Conference, presented by Division of Student Affairs; Zoom, 12:15 p.m., free, for information email tlbanks@fdu.edu, for FDU faculty and staff only.
30 Wed.; Meditation/Mindfulness Group via Zoom, Charles Imbimbo, psychological counselor, Office of Mental and Emotional Wellbeing (OMEW) (Metro), sponsored by OMEW (formerly S-CAPS); Zoom, 4 p.m., free, for information call 201-692-2174 or email imbimbo@fdu.edu, for FDU community only.