Transfer Student Admissions

Transferring to Fairleigh Dickinson University is fast and easy. Transfer students, whether from a community college or a four-year institution, are provided personalized attention and academic advisement to make the transition to FDU a seamless process.
Choose a Campus
Applicants are invited to apply to either FDU’s Florham Campus in Madison, NJ or the Metropolitan Campus in Teaneck, NJ. Applicants are encouraged to speak with an admissions transfer counselor so that we may assist with your application. Each campus schedules campus tours through its Office of Admissions.
Transfer Credit Estimator
We want to give you credit for the work you completed at your previous institution! Our new Transfer Credit Estimator (TCE) will review credits you’ve already earned at your previous institution and provide an estimate of how many will transfer into your desired degree program at FDU.
Articulation Agreements
Click here for the list of active articulation agreements with New Jersey Community Colleges.
Apply for Admission
Choose an application
- Complete either the Common App for Transfer or the FDU Transfer Application.
- Submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities to:
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Admissions Operations, H-DH3-10
1000 River Rd.
Teaneck, NJ 07666
When to file an application
- Applications for admission may be submitted for the fall or spring semesters, or for summer sessions.
- Applications for admission are processed on a rolling basis; students are encouraged to apply early to allow ample time to complete the application process.
Suggested application deadlines
- August 1 for the fall term.
- December 15 for the spring term.
Housing for transfer students is on a space-available basis.
Admission Requirements
Transfer Students and Advanced Standing
Transfer students will have completed 24 or more college-credit hours at an accredited post-secondary institution. Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended must be submitted. A high school transcript need not be submitted unless requested by the admissions office. Applicants with less than 24 credits earned are considered students with advanced standing, and must submit their official high school transcript and SAT or ACT test scores in addition to college transcripts.
Evaluation of Previous Academic Work
Students with an Associate in Arts (AA) or an Associate in Science (AS) Degree can transfer in a maximum of 64 credits. Students from other four-year institutions can transfer in up to 96 credits. Course work with earned grades of A through C will be considered for transfer credit. Any transfer student who has earned an Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) at a New York or New Jersey community college, and is applying for a Bachelor of Arts program, is able to fulfill their General Education requirements at FDU. Some exceptions may apply.
Community College Transfer Students
FDU Policy Re Transfer Students and General Education Credits
All incoming students with a completed AA/AS degree from a community college in NJ/NY will arrive with all of their Gen Ed requirements fulfilled (including UNIV core) — with the exception of any specific courses and prerequisites required for any given Major or Minor.
Students arriving from any community college or four-year institution without an AA/AS degree will have their incoming credits applied course for course.
If a student from a four-year institution in NJ or NY has with them an AA/AS degree from that same institution, then they will be considered to have met the General Education requirements with the same caveat as applies to those coming from NJ/NY community colleges.
Students are responsible for making certain their transcripts are submitted in a timely manner so that they can be evaluated for full credit.
Fairleigh Dickinson University has articulation agreements with most New Jersey community colleges. Prospective community college transfer students are encouraged to contact the transfer counselor at their community college for more information or call the FDU Admissions Office at 800-338-8803. More information about transferring courses from a community college to a four-year college or university in New Jersey is also available at
Awards and Financial Aid
Transfer Award
All admissible full-time transfer applicants are automatically considered for merit awards. Merit awards are based on the student’s cumulative collegiate GPAs from all institutions attended, ranging up to $15,500.
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK)
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) members who graduate from a regionally accredited two-year institution with an associate’s degree and a 3.0 GPA or above automatically qualify for an additional $2,000 annual award. Applicants must provide proof of PTK membership at the time they submit an application.
Need-Based Financial Aid
All students are encouraged to file a FAFSA in order to be considered for need-based aid. Qualifying students may receive both merit and need-based aid.
FDU Scholars/Community College Graduates
- Completed their associate degree at a partner county or community college of NJ,
- Submitted an FDU application, AND
- Been offered admission to FDU.
Students from Community College partnership institutions who choose to live on campus may receive an annual $1,500 housing grant. And if you are an NJ Stars II participant, there may be additional scholarship money available to you.
Bergen Community College and County College of Morris Program Liaisons
Interested students should set up a meeting as soon as possible to discuss how their community college curriculum requirements will also satisfy the FDU requirements. Meetings are encouraged each semester so your current college advisor, the FDU Scholars liaison, and the student, can monitor how to integrate each school’s courses for a seamless transition from associate to bachelor’s degree completion.
The FDU Scholars Liaisons are available frequently at Bergen Community College (BCC) and County College of Morris (CCM). The program liaisons can assist with providing information about FDU’s majors. FDU strongly encourages prospective students to visit campus, and meet transfer advisors and faculty members. Call, email, or stop by to schedule an appointment.
- BCC-FDU Scholars
- Contact:, 201-493-4088
- Location: BCC Pitkin Education Center, Center for Student Success, Room A 126B
- Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 AM to 5 PM
- CCM-FDU Scholars
- Contact:, 973-443-8008
- Location: CCM Cohen Hall Alcove
- Hours: Thursdays from 11 AM to 1 PM
As you near graduation from the community college, our academic advisors will create an FDU schedule with you for your first semester. Our goal is to help you achieve your academic dreams. We are two schools with one goal: Your success.