Summer Study for Educators

Graduate Level Online Courses for Summer 2025
Begin Certificate or Degree Studies • Enhance Your Credentials
Are you interested in earning a master’s degree, endorsements, or hours toward recertification and salary credit? FDU’s School of Education offers convenient online summer courses to help you achieve your educational and professional goals.
You can realize significant cost savings through our special tuition pricing, too. After registering for your first three credits at the regular tuition rate, you’ll receive $100 off each additional credit taken. Summer discount available only for courses taken through our NJ campuses. The discount does not apply to the online EdD.
Whether you’re an educator needing professional development courses, a teacher pursuing special certification, or a current FDU graduate education student, you’ll find a variety of learning options this summer at FDU!
Teaching Social Justice in Your Classroom
This summer, FDU is offering four 1-credit online courses for practicing teachers that align with NJDOE instructional mandates.
These post-graduate courses give practicing teachers a knowledge base in social justice education designed to fulfill New Jersey Department of Education instructional mandates on anti-bias/anti-racist topics. Each course provides both the content and pedagogical support to help practicing teachers confidently integrate these subjects in an age-appropriate way in their classrooms.
Teachers can take as few as one or all four courses. Credits earned can be applied to FDU’s new 12-credit post-graduate Social Justice Education Certificate or select graduate education degree programs.
Course Descriptions
EDUC 5510: Teaching African American History
4 Consecutive Online Sessions, offered Monday thru Thursday
Dates: July 14 to 17 • Time: 11 AM to 3 PM
Provides educators with content knowledge on the history of Black and African Americans in the United States and pedagogical materials to incorporate this history into K-12 social studies lessons and related classes.
EDUC 5511: Teaching Holocaust and Genocide
4 Consecutive Online Sessions, offered Monday through Thursday
Dates: August 4 to 7 • Time: 11 AM – 3 PM
Provides an overview of genocide education, with specific emphasis on teaching key moments in the history of the Holocaust. Also provides pedagogical frameworks for developing a multidisciplinary Holocaust/genocide program of study in grades 5-12.
EDUC 5512: Teaching LGBTQ+ History in Middle & High School
4 Consecutive Online Sessions, offered Monday through Thursday
Date: July 21 to 24 • Time: 11 AM – 3 PM
Reviews the history of LGBTQ+ in the U.S. with emphasis on the political, economic and social contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and ways to incorporate LGBTQ+ history into middle school and high school curricula.
EDUC 5513: Teaching Asian American History
4 Consecutive Online Sessions, offered Monday through Thursday
Date: July 28 to 31 • Time: 4:30 -7 PM
Explores issues related to ethnic identity development, religion, gender and assimilation in Asian American and Pacific Island (AAPI) communities. Also examines AAPI history and heritage and ways to incorporate these into K-12 social studies lessons and related classes.
NOTE: Interested teachers have the option of taking EDUC 5511 – Teaching Holocaust and Genocide and EDUC 5513 – Teaching Asian American History in the Fall of 2025.
Other Summer Highlights for Teachers
Dyslexia Studies
EDUC 6641 91: Orton-Gillingham Resource Center
Techniques for using the Orton-Gillingham approach for reading, spelling and handwriting instruction for individuals or small groups within the Resource Center or the inclusive classroom. Coordination with regular classroom curriculum will also be covered.
Educational Leadership
EDUC 6717 82: School Law
This course is structured to assist future school leaders in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that the school educational program, facility, and its resources produce a safe, efficient and effective learning environment for the success of all students. The course focuses on law related to education, legislation, and court decisions that may impact the rights and responsibilities of administrators, teachers, students, and parents. Specific attention is given to New Jersey statutes, administrative code, and administrative decisions affecting the school community.
English as a Second Language
EDUC 6650 81: Behavioral Science for Teaching: Language and Culture
This course examines human culture as a general phenomenon and the human capacity for “culture” as the major mechanism that renders the individual capable of internalizing various types of educational messages. Students explore the relationship between language and culture with implications for materials selection and curriculum development.
EDUC 6551 82: Language Acquisition in Bilingual/Bicultural Contexts
This course introduces students to current theories of language acquisition in bilingual/bicultural contexts. It explores current understandings of language development for emerging bilingual/bicultural individuals in K-12 educational settings.
EDUC 6740 81: Introduction to Students with Disabilities Including Autism Spectrum
Introduction to the student with disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders. Overview of normal growth and development as a basis to identify developmental delays and learning differences. Characteristics of different disabilities and their effects on how children learn. Review of federal, state and local regulations and their effects on local policies, procedures and placement. Transition planning, resources and assistive technology to enhance the performance of students with disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders.
EDUC 5501 Educational Technologies (1 credit) (5 Sessions Mon/Wed 5/20-6/5 5:15-7:45 via Zoom)
This course provides a survey of educational technologies used in schools. It ensures that candidates are able to apply their knowledge of ISTE standards related to instructional practice at the appropriate progression levels. It enables candidates to utilize a variety of best practice tools and instructional strategies to enhance student learning and engagement and provide equitable and inclusive learning experiences for diverse P-12 students.
Reading Specialist/Literacy
EDUC 6491 81 Culturally Responsive Children’s Literature
In this course, participants will examine how children’s literature (K-12) can be integrated into the curriculum of all subject areas. Special consideration will be given to the selection and incorporation of culturally authentic texts into the classroom. Comprehension and language-building strategies for extracting meaning and responding to literature will be explored as well as the incorporation of multimodal mediums to support engagement and motivation.
EDUC 6767 81 Multimodal Literacies across Disciplines
In this course, candidates explore the differentiation of and strategies (including technology)for content area reading and disciplinary literacy instruction for K-12 readers. Specifically, there is a focus on print, digital, visual, and other means of communication across disciplines.
To Enroll in Summer Classes
Current FDU Graduate Students
- Select summer courses using the Self-Service Course Catalog for the Summer 2025 term, or the Summer Course Booklet for Summer 2024.
- Connect with your academic advisor to confirm that your course selections count toward your program of study and timely graduation.
- Register for classes online at Self-Service.
- Arrange for a summer payment plan at Self-Service, if interested.
Newly Admitted and Visiting Graduate Students
Email the Office of Graduate Admissions at for help in registering for summer classes, or call 201-692-2554 (Metropolitan Campus) or 973-443-8905 (Florham Campus).
International Students
Currently enrolled FDU international students should email or visit the Office of International Student Services for assistance in planning and registering for summer classes or call 201-692-2743 (Metropolitan Campus) or 973-443-8672 (Florham Campus).
Prospective FDU international students should email or visit the Office of International Student Admissions for assistance or call 201-692-2743 (Metropolitan Campus) or 973-443-8672 (Florham Campus).
Special Rates for Summer Housing Available!
University housing is available at a special discount for students enrolling in Summer Sessions on both NJ campuses.
- $28/day – double occupancy
- $39/day – single occupancy
If you are interested in campus housing for summer, you will need to submit a housing application once you have registered for your course(s). Please contact your appropriate Campus Residence Life office, below, for additional information. (Note: meal plans are not available during Summer Sessions.)
- Metropolitan Campus Res Life: 201-692-2250,
- Florham Campus Res Life: 973-443-8586,