Need IRB Review?

Glossary for this Analysis


A systematic investigation, including research, development, testing, and evaluation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. Activities which meet this definition constitute research for the purposes of this policy, whether or not they are conducted or supported under a program which is considered research for other purposes.

Systematic Investigation

Having a methodical plan which may include a hypothesis, that includes collecting and analyzing data to answer a research question.

Human Subject

A living individual about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research obtains: (a) information, specimens, or other data through intervention or interaction with the individuals, or (b) identifiable private information.


Physical procedures, manipulating a person or a persons’ environment, in physical life or using online based simulations


Communication with persons/observation of private behavior, in-person, telephone, etc., email, chat room conversations and communication, collection of information via private social media accounts, etc.

About Living Individual(s)

Information specific to the person that may or would not be known, considered private or where you need permission to ask or access the information.


Does your research involve a systematic investigation or collection of information?

If no, this project does not meet the definition of research. No approval is needed from the IRB.

Does your project have potential to contribute to generalizable knowledge, i.e. will outcomes from the results make the findings more widely or generally accepted?

If no, this project does not meet the definition of research. No approval is needed from the IRB.

Does your research involve intervention or interaction with one or more living human individuals?

If yes, this project meets the definition of human subject research. Your research must be submitted for approval to the IRB for Exempt (administrative) or Regular (Full Board or Expedited) IRB review. Proceed to New Project Instructions.

Will your research involve obtaining of private information about living human individuals?

If yes, this project meets the definition of human subject research. Your research must be submitted for approval to the IRB for Exempt (administrative) or Regular (Full Board or Expedited) IRB review. Proceed to New Project Instructions.