Program Guidelines


The University Provost (UP) Seed Grant Program at Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) seeks to cultivate faculty research that has potential for extramural support. The expectation is to advance the University’s core principles through the development of ongoing, new and cross-disciplinary research initiatives that contribute to professional growth, collaborative models, and educational excellence.

Research is defined as activities that will advance generalizable knowledge such as (a) scientific research grounded in logical and systematic investigation; and (b) research that investigates, acquires and expands a field of investigation based on observation, experience and perception.

Program Highlights/What Has Changed

The Seed Program competition now exclusively solicits investigator-initiated proposals that effectively convey (a) the potential strength of the research concept proposed, (b) the applicant’s sustained commitment to seek and secure extramural sponsorship, and (c) the feasibility for conducting the research at the University. All of the following conditions must be met.

How to Apply

The Seed proposal must include sufficient technical information to establish sound rationale for the research, convey the potential for developing a full-scale investigation, and sufficiently convince committee reviewers and the University Provost of the potential for success in ultimately attracting extramural support. The program also encourages interdisciplinary models, collaborations, and student research, although these are not expected to be the primary emphasis of the seed proposal or extramural proposal. See below instructions on accessing the online application.

Application Limits

A faculty member may submit no more than one application for each funding cycle. The program does not support funding for continuation of a previously funded project, nor will it support program development proposals. Only one revised application (i.e., a re-submission of a project previously proposed) will be accepted for further consideration, and the investigator/faculty member must specifically address any concerns, gaps or challenges previously expressed by peer reviewers.

Proposal Narrative

Begin your proposal narrative by identifying your research area or topic of interest and conducting a preliminary literature review, identifying a prospective agency sponsor of national reputation, and communicate with the agency’s Program Officer as stated above. You should provide documented evidence of your discussion with the Program Officer.


A proposal will incorporate each of the following sections as a technical narrative/research plan, and must conform to a single-spaced format and page limitation of 3 to 6 pages including figures and tables for sections 1 through 7. Excluded from the page limitation are references cited, biographical sketches, facilities and resources statement, and a budget and budget justification.

References Cited

Reference information is required and must include bibliographic citations only and not be used to provide parenthetical information.

Biographical Sketch

A biographical sketch is required for the principal investigator and each proposed collaborator as part of the submission package.


In addition to the provision of mentorship and resources to ensure some research protected time, the maximum allowable costs are up to $3,000 for materials, supplies, student research assistants and local transportation. Provide a detailed justification for each line item requested. Remember, that the budget is a financial representation of your proposal.

The Seed Grant Application

The electronic Seed Grant Application Form and contact information are available on the left-hand navigation bar. All applications must be received by 5 p.m. of the deadline indicated; incomplete and late applications will not be accepted.