General Education Assessment Rubrics

Oral Communication

Rhetorical Style

  • Capstone (4): Demonstrates ability to present an argument in a highly organized manner with language choices and examples that significantly enhance the argument. Delivery is polished and confident, with outstanding posture, use of gestures, eye contact, and vocal expression. 
  • Milestone (3): Demonstrates ability to present an argument in an organized manner with language choices and examples that enhance the argument. Delivery is refined and mostly confident, with effective posture, use of gestures, eye contact, and vocal expression. 
  • Milestone (2): Demonstrates ability to present an argument in a somewhat organized manner with language choices and examples that are appropriate to the argument. Delivery is somewhat refined and confident, with adequate posture, use of gestures, eye contact, and vocal expression. 
  • Benchmark (1): Makes an argument that could benefit from refined organization, language choices, and examples. Delivery demonstrates emerging skills in refinement confidence, posture, use of gestures, eye contact, and vocal expression.


  • Capstone (4): Engages technologies that significantly enhance the presentation but do not serve as a crutch or replacement for a compelling oral presentation.
  • Milestone (3): Engages technologies in ways that contribute to the presentation while largely avoiding using the written presentation as a crutch or replacement for a compelling oral presentation.
  • Milestone (2): Engages technologies in ways that contribute to the presentation while somewhat avoiding using the written presentation as a crutch or replacement for a compelling oral presentation.
  • Benchmark (1): Engages technologies in ways that may not contribute to the presentation or written presentation and may serve as a crutch or replacement for a compelling oral presentation.


  • Capstone (4): Prepares and delivers presentations that are directly responsive to the topic or question posed; makes a cogent, complete, compelling argument; and fully refutes potential counterarguments.
  • Milestone (3): Prepares and delivers presentations that are responsive to the topic or question posed; make a strong, clear argument; and refutes major potential counterarguments.
  • Milestone (2): Prepares and delivers presentations that are mostly responsive to the topic or question posed, makes an argument, and refutes some potential counterarguments.
  • Benchmark (1): Deliver presentations that are related to the topic or question posed and make an argument.

Information and Technological Literacy

Organization and Synthesis

  • Capstone (4): Demonstrates a sophisticated ability to synthesize information from a variety of sources in a coherent and well thought-out manner appropriate to the genre and context of research.
  • Milestone (3): Demonstrates an adequate ability to synthesize information that is organized and appropriate to the genre and context of research.
  • Milestone (2): Demonstrates a somewhat adequate ability to synthesize information with some areas of unincorporated or over-summarized information and/or missing a few key genre or context-specific issues for the research.
  • Benchmark (1): Demonstrates an emerging ability to synthesize information with unincorporated sources, over-reliance on summary, and/or missing key aspects of the genre and context of the research.

Information Use Strategies

  • Capstone (4): Demonstrate a sophisticated ability to engage in the following information use strategies: use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution; demonstrate a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.
  • Milestone (3): Demonstrate an adequate ability to engage in the following information use strategies: use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution; demonstrate a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.
  • Milestone (2): Demonstrate a mostly adequate ability to engage in the following information use strategies though with some errors: use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution; demonstrate a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.
  • Benchmark (1): Demonstrate an emerging ability to engage in the following information use strategies with notable errors: use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution; demonstrate a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.

Technological Flexibility

  • Capstone (4): Selects and uses appropriate applications and online resources effectively and productively.
  • Milestone (3): Selects and uses appropriate applications and online resources effectively and productively most of the time.
  • Milestone (2): Selects and uses appropriate applications and online resources effectively and productively some of the time.
  • Benchmark (1): May require assistance to select appropriate applications and/or online resources.

Ethical Reasoning

Recognition of Ethical Issues and Problems

  • Capstone (4): Student recognizes and properly characterizes ethical issues and relationships between them in multi- layered context, while distinguishing between morally relevant and morally irrelevant aspects,
  • Milestone (3): Student recognizes and properly characterizes ethical issues and relationships between them in multi- layered context, while distinguishing between morally relevant and morally irrelevant aspects,
  • Milestone (2): Student adequately recognizes basic and obvious moral issues and problems and demonstrates a developing ability to characterize some of the complexities and/or relationships among the issues. 
  • Benchmark (1): Student demonstrates an emerging ability to characterize ethical issues

Understanding Different Ethical Concepts and Theoretical Perspectives and Methodologies

  • Capstone (4): Student demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the names, concepts, and methods of major theories and can articulate the complexities, justifications, and critiques without inaccuracies or errors in the presentation of the theory or theories and/or method or methods. 
  • Milestone (3): Student demonstrates an adequate understanding of the names, concepts, and methods of major theories and can articulate the complexities, justifications, and critiques with minor inaccuracies or errors in the presentation of the theory or theories and/or method or methods. 
  • Milestone (2): Student adequately names or presents rudimentary elements of the theory or method and may present errors in demonstrating awareness of complexities, justifications, critiques, or ability to explain the details of the theory or method. 
  • Benchmark (1): Student demonstrates an emerging ability to name or present rudimentary elements of theories 

Ethical Self-Awareness 

  • Capstone (4): Student discusses core beliefs that inform their moral views, demonstrate an understanding of the implications of such beliefs, and can defend such views against plausible objections
  • Milestone (3): Student discusses core beliefs that inform their moral views, demonstrates understanding of implications of such beliefs, and is somewhat able to defend such views against plausible objections
  • Milestone (2): Student discusses some core beliefs that inform their moral views, demonstrates some understanding of the implications of such beliefs, and is sometimes able to defend such views against plausible objections
  • Benchmark (1): Students demonstrate an emerging ability to discuss core beliefs when prompted and may demonstrate a rising ability to discuss the relationship between moral views and core beliefs

Scientific Analysis

Recognize how scientific knowledge evolves based on observation of the natural world

  • Capstone (4): Combines classroom-based observations and out-of-class experiences to describe how knowledge evolves based on what has been learned or what can change based on new information. Makes connections beyond the classroom-context.
  • Milestone (3): Evaluate how knowledge evolves based on what has been learned or what can change based on new information.
  • Milestone (2): The hypothesis and research question are adequately developed or stated and can be investigated using scientific methods/scientific reasoning.
  • Benchmark (1): The hypothesis and research question are inadequately developed or stated and cannot be investigated using scientific methods/scientific reasoning.

Design experiments to gather evidence/data to test a hypothesis or address a research question

  • Capstone (4): Experiments have clearly outlined methods that directly address the hypothesis and are able to gather data that is comprehensive and presented professionally.
  • Milestone (3): Experiments have clearly outlined methods that directly address the hypothesis and are able to gather some data that is mostly comprehensive.
  • Milestone (2): Experiments have clearly outlined methods that do not fully address the research question.
  • Benchmark (1): Experimental procedures are given but are not clear or properly outlined.

Represent scientific data symbolically, graphically, numerically, and verbally

  • Capstone (4): Student provided all required representations. All representations were clear, complete and related to the given scientific data.
  • Milestone (3): Most representations were clear, complete, and related to the given scientific data.
  • Milestone (2): Most representations were: incomplete or not related to the given scientific data or not provided.
  • Benchmark (1): Student did not provide any representations or understandable representations or representations that are related to the given scientific data.

Quantitative Literacy

Understanding of Quantitative Concepts and Procedures

  • Capstone (4): Exhibits a deep understanding of quantitative concepts and procedures, consistently applying them accurately and precisely
  • Milestone (3): Demonstrates a solid understanding of quantitative concepts and procedures, accurately applying them in a majority of cases
  • Milestone (2): Shows some understanding of quantitative concepts and procedures but makes errors or lacks precision in calculations
  • Benchmark (1): Demonstrates limited understanding of quantitative concepts and procedures, often providing incorrect or incomplete answers

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

  • Capstone (4): Exhibits a sophisticated ability to analyze and interpret data, providing deep insights, considering multiple perspectives, and drawing nuanced conclusions.
  • Milestone (3): Analyzes and interprets data effectively, identifying patterns, making relevant connections, and drawing appropriate conclusions.
  • Milestone (2): Shows some ability to analyze and interpret data but may make errors or provide limited insights.
  • BENCHMARK (1): Struggles to analyze or interpret data accurately, often misinterpreting or overlooking crucial information.

Communication of Results

  • Capstone (4): Presents results in a highly clear, organized, and concise manner, effectively using mathematical language, incorporating visual representations when appropriate, and offering insightful commentary.
  • Milestone (3): Communicates results clearly and coherently, using appropriate mathematical language, organizing work effectively, and providing relevant supporting details.
  • Milestone (2): Attempts to communicate results, but explanations may lack clarity or organization, and the overall presentation may be somewhat disorganized.
  • Benchmark (1): Demonstrates an emerging ability to communicate results

Social Science Analysis

Comprehend and analyze social relationships within human society

  • Capstone (4): Composes a comprehensive and accurate analysis of theories, methods, and /or substantive findings in a particular Social Sciences domain. Composition is supported with relevant examples and offers a high level of depth and detail, exploring and elaborating on major approaches, theories, methods, and/or substantive findings in the chosen domain
  • Milestone (3): Assesses and produces clear, generally accurate analysis of theories, methods, and /or substantive findings in a particular Social Sciences domain; Assessment is generally supported with examples and offers some level of depth, generally exploring major approaches, theories, methods, and/or findings in the chosen domain, with few omissions
  • Milestone (2): Constructs a partial and/or partially accurate analysis of theories, methods, and/or substantive findings in a particular Social Sciences domain; description is only partially supported with examples and has some gaps and errors, offering an emerging exploration of approaches, theories, methods, and/or findings in the chosen domain.
  • Benchmark (1): Demonstrates an emerging ability to execute descriptions of theories, methods, and /or substantive findings in a particular Social Sciences domain; description may not include errors in support, or examples, and may include errors in exploration of approaches, theories, methods and/or findings in the chosen domain.

Interpret information with an awareness of how data is presented

  • Capstone (4): Combines highly relevant concepts and theories from a Social Sciences domain to real life contexts, with accuracy and nuance. Composition demonstrates clear understanding of both context and concepts. Composition foregrounds clear connections between the theoretical framework and the real-life context(s).
  • Milestone (3): Evaluates appropriate relevant concepts and theories from a Social Sciences domain to real life contexts, with very few errors. Evaluation demonstrates a good general understanding of both context and concepts. Evaluation includes some connections between the theoretical framework and the real-life context(s).
  • Milestone (2): Applies some concepts and theories from a Social Sciences domain to real life contexts, with errors. Application demonstrates a limited understanding of both context(s) and concepts. The application suggests some connections between the theoretical framework and real-life contexts, but the connections between the two are unclear or not fully explored or exploited.
  • Benchmark (1): Struggles to apply concepts and theories from a Social Sciences domain to real life contexts; application is flawed and/or inadequate and demonstrates little to no understanding of context(s) and/or concepts; application lacks structure and coherence and it is, therefore, difficult to discern any relevant connection between the theoretical framework and real-life contexts.

Identify Potential Bias

  • Capstone (4): Creates a sophisticated analysis of strengths and weaknesses of significant theories, methods, and /or evidence within a Social Sciences domain. Analysis is highly insightful, comprehensive, demonstrates a deep understanding of theories, methods, and/or evidence.
  • Milestone (3): Analyze strengths and weaknesses of significant theories, methods, and /or evidence within a Social Sciences domain. Analysis is relevant and demonstrates a solid understanding of theories, methods, and evidence.
  • Milestone (2): Analyze strengths and weaknesses of significant theories, methods, and /or evidence within a Social Sciences domain. Analysis is relevant and demonstrates a solid understanding of theories, methods, and evidence.
  • Benchmark (1): Describes the strengths and weaknesses of significant theories, methods, and /or evidence within a Social Sciences domain. The description includes errors and emerging understanding of theories, methods, and/or evidence.

Behavioral Analysis

Comprehend and analyze social relationships within human society

  • Capstone (4): Composes a comprehensive and accurate analysis of theories, methods, and /or substantive findings in a particular Behavioral Sciences domain. Composition is supported with relevant examples and offers a high level of depth and detail, exploring and elaborating on major approaches, theories, methods, and/or substantive findings in the chosen domain
  • Milestone (3): Assesses and produces clear, generally accurate analysis of theories, methods, and /or substantive findings in a particular Behavioral Sciences domain; Assessment is generally supported with examples and offers some level of depth, generally exploring major approaches, theories, methods, and/or findings in the chosen domain, with few omissions
  • Milestone (2): Constructs a partial and/or partially accurate analysis of theories, methods, and/or substantive findings in a particular Behavioral Sciences domain; description is only partially supported with examples and has some gaps and errors, offering an emerging exploration of approaches, theories, methods, and/or findings in the chosen domain.
  • Benchmark (1): Demonstrates an emerging ability to execute descriptions of theories, methods, and /or substantive findings in a particular Behavioral Sciences domain; description may not include errors in support, or examples, and may include errors in exploration of approaches, theories, methods and/or findings in the chosen domain.

Interpret information with an awareness of how data is presented

  • Capstone (4): Combines highly relevant concepts and theories from a Behavioral Sciences domain to real life contexts, with accuracy and nuance. Composition demonstrates clear understanding of both context and concepts. Composition foregrounds clear connections between the theoretical framework and the real-life context(s).
  • Milestone (3): Evaluates appropriate relevant concepts and theories from a Behavioral Sciences domain to real life contexts, with very few errors. Evaluation demonstrates a good general understanding of both context and concepts. Evaluation includes some connections between the theoretical framework and the real-life context(s).
  • Milestone (2): Applies some concepts and theories from a Behavioral Sciences domain to real life contexts, with errors. The application demonstrates a limited understanding of both context(s) and concepts. The application suggests some connections between the theoretical framework and real-life contexts, but the connections between the two are unclear or not fully explored or exploited.
  • Benchmark (1): Demonstrates an emerging ability to apply concepts and theories from a Behavioral Sciences domain to real life contexts; application is flawed and/or inadequate and demonstrates little to no understanding of context(s) and/or concepts; application lacks structure and coherence and it is, therefore, difficult to discern any relevant connection between the theoretical framework and real-life contexts.

Identify Potential Bias

  • Capstone (4): Creates a sophisticated analysis of strengths and weaknesses of significant theories, methods, and /or evidence within a Behavioral Sciences domain. Analysis is highly insightful, comprehensive, demonstrates a deep understanding of theories, methods, and/or evidence.
  • Milestone (3): Analyze strengths and weaknesses of significant theories, methods, and/or evidence within a Behavioral Sciences domain. Analysis is relevant and demonstrates a solid understanding of theories, methods, and evidence.
  • Milestone (2): Classifies strengths and weaknesses of significant theories, methods, and/or evidence within a Behavioral Sciences domain; Classification may include few errors and emerging understanding of theories, methods, and/or evidence.
  • Benchmark (1): Describes the strengths and weaknesses of significant theories, methods, and /or evidence within a Behavioral Sciences domain. The description includes errors and emerging understanding of theories, methods, and/or evidence.

Inquiry into the Humanities

Ability to generalize

  • Capstone (4): Discusses the literary, historical, and/or social contexts of Humanities texts in a given domain with virtually no errors
  • Milestone (3): Discusses the literary, historical, and/or social contexts of Humanities texts in a given domain with few errors
  • Milestone (2): Describe the literary, historical, and/or social contexts of Humanities texts in a given domain
  • Benchmark (1): Demonstrates an emerging ability to describe the literary, historical, and/or social contexts of Humanities texts in a given domain. Descriptions are incomplete or contain some errors

Ability to analyze 

  • Capstone (4): Synthesizes ideas about a primary text into a coherent discussion in a domain-appropriate way with virtually no errors
  • Milestone (3): Synthesizes ideas about a primary text into a coherent discussion in a domain-appropriate manner with few errors
  • Milestone (2): Describe ideas about a primary text in a somewhat domain-appropriate format
  • Benchmark (1): Demonstrates an emerging awareness of ideas that may be presented through non-standard mean

Ability to use primary sources

  • Capstone (4): Incorporates evidence from a primary text to produce domain-appropriate conclusions with virtually no errors
  • Milestone (3): Incorporates evidence from a primary text to produce domain-appropriate conclusions with some errors
  • Milestone (2): Describes, or summarizes, evidence from a primary text without incorporating the evidence into a domain-appropriate conclusion
  • Benchmark (1): Demonstrates an emerging ability to identify evidence from a primary text while working towards conclusions

Inquiry into the arts

Acquiring Competencies

  • Capstone (4): Creates an entirely new object, solution, or idea that is appropriate to the domain.
  • Milestone (3): Successfully adapts an appropriate exemplar to his/her own specifications.
  • Milestone (2): Successfully reproduces an appropriate exemplar.
  • Benchmark (1): Demonstrates an emerging ability to reproduce an appropriate exemplar.

Creative Risks-Taking

  • Capstone (4): Actively seeks out and follows through on untested and potentially risky directions or approaches to the assignment in the final product.
  • Milestone (3): Incorporates new directions or approaches to the assignment.
  • Milestone (2): Considers new directions or approaches without going beyond the guidelines of the assignment.
  • Benchmark (1): Stays strictly within the guidelines of the assignment.

Solving Problems

  • Capstone (4): Not only develops a logical, consistent plan to solve the problem but recognizes the consequences of the solution and can articulate the reason for choosing a solution.
  • Milestone (3): Having selected from among alternatives, develop a logical, consistent plan to solve the problem.
  • Milestone (2): Considers and rejects less acceptable approaches to solving the problem.
  • Benchmark (1): Only a single approach is considered and used to solve the problem.