Adding New Courses to General Education Curriculum

Faculty members who wish to submit a course for inclusion into a General Education category need to submit their course for formal review. Courses in prefix-driven categories are automatically added to the General Education curriculum. The review and approval process then depends upon the General Education category: Some categories are reviewed and approved at the EPC and Dean/Director level, then forwarded to the General Education committee for addition of the course to the Gen Ed website and Degree Audit. Other categories are reviewed and approved at the EPC and Dean/Director level, but then continue to the Gen Ed Committee and the APRC in case of a tie.

Review and Approval Process Guide

  • Stage 1= College/School EPC
  • Stage 2= College/School Dean/Director
  • Stage 3= Gen Ed Committee
  • Stage 4= APRC

Review and Approval Process for Each Gen Ed Category

Courses for the following Gen Ed categories are reviewed and approved at the EPC and Dean/Director level, with the Dean/Director review as the final approval and then shared with the Gen Ed Committee for documentation and addition of the course to the Gen Ed website and degree audit.

Gen Ed Category    Review and Approval Process
Written Communication (9 credits)    Stages 1-2 only
  • College Writing (6 credits)
Social and Behavioral Scientific Analysis (6 credits)   Stages 1-2 only
  • Social Science (3 credits)
  • Behavioral Science (3 credits)
Scientific and Quantitative Analysis (7 credits)  Stages 1-2 only
  • Science with Lab (4 credits)
  • College Math (3 credits)
Inquiry into the Arts and Humanities (6 credits)  Stages 1-2 only
  • Creative and Expressive Arts (3 credits)
  • Humanities (3 credits)
Technological and Information Literacy (3 credits)  Stages 1-2 only


Courses for the following Gen Ed categories are reviewed and approved at the EPC and Dean/Director level, and then continue to the Gen Ed Committee (and potentially the APRC in cases of a tie vote) for final approval.

Gen Ed Category Review and Approval Process

Written and Oral Communication (9 credits) 

  • Speech or Professional Communication (3 credits)
Stages 1-4
Ethical Reasoning (3 credits)  Stages 1-4

Global and Cultural Understanding (6 credits) 

  • Global Issues (3 credits)
  • Cross Cultural (3 credits)
Stages 1-4