Scholarships for Undergraduate Business Majors
Throughout the academic year, business students can apply for scholarships. The Student Development Committee works with University Development and Financial Aid on new and existing scholarships to review applications and recommend recipients. To date, we’ve awarded almost $500,000 in grants to our Silberman College of Business students.
Scholarships for Silberman College of Business Students
The below scholarships are intended strictly for business students. Find more information email the Student Development Committee.
- Adrian Alexander Cummings Scholarship (1 scholarship renewal awarded)
- Donald E. Outcalt Scholarship (5 scholarships awarded)
- Dr. Helen Warren Endowed Scholarship
- Entrepreneurial Studies Scholarship
- Frank J. Walsh, Jr. Endowed Scholarship (5 scholarships awarded)
- Kurt G. Brown Memorial Scholarship (6 scholarships awarded)
- LaTorre Family Entrepreneurial Scholarship (6 scholarships awarded)
- Louis & Elizabeth Rice Scholarship (8 scholarships awarded)
- Margareth Bellevan Scholarship (2 scholarships awarded)
- Marshall and Margaret Bartlett Scholarship (2 scholarships awarded)
- Mary A. Schwarz Scholarship (2 scholarships awarded)
- Matthew Emmens Endowed Scholarship (1 scholarship renewal awarded)
- Robert S. Needham Memorial Scholarship (1 scholarship renewal awarded)
- Robert and Patricia Pures Scholarship (2 scholarships awarded)
- Vespa Family Endowed Scholarship (2 scholarships renewals awarded)
General and Organizational Scholarships for Accounting Majors
- American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) National Scholarship Search
- Go College (Scholarships for Accounting Majors)
- Independent College Fund of New Jersey (ICFNJ)
- National Society of Accountants (NSA) Scholarship Foundation
- The New Jersey Society of CPAs (NJCPA) Scholarships
- NJCPA Bergen Chapter Scholarship (Information is posted each fall.)
- Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) Scholarship
Silberman College of Business Scholarships for Accounting Majors
- COBA Stanley Iwanski Scholarship (1 scholarship awarded)
- Elia G. Stratis Scholarship
Please check back periodically and be on the lookout for emails from the Student Development Committee to learn about scholarship opportunities as they become available. You may direct any questions to or Student Development Committee (H-DH2-11), Silberman College of Business, FDU, 1000 River Rd, Teaneck, NJ 07666.
4 Plus 1 Combined Degrees
Fairleigh Dickinson University has announced an incentive program that offers the opportunity for undergraduate students to complete their undergraduate and graduate degrees in five years. Students can choose from a wide selection of combined degrees.
Advantages of this program include saving time by accelerating the student’s education. Students enrolled in this program graduate with both a bachelor’s and master’s degree. Students also have the flexibility to go from undergraduate degrees at one FDU campus and finish their graduate degrees at the other. Qualified students must declare their intent to pursue a five-year combined degree four semesters before they are ready to graduate with their undergraduate degree; usually during the fifth semester of study. This is only offered to students continuing at the master’s graduate level on a full-time basis.
Read about 4 + 1 Combined Degrees. Students interested in the 4 Plus 1 program at the Silberman College of Business should connect with their undergraduate advisors and can email
General Scholarships for FDU Students
The following resources are available to FDU students:
- Association of Latino Professionals For America (ALPFA) scholarship opportunities through FDU’s ALPFA chapter for Latinx students